If you’re only accepting credit card payments, you’re likely paying fees of up to 5% of your revenue. Your customers must deal with high security risks associated with online credit card payments. It is clear that cryptocurrencies provide a solution to these issues. There is a variety of ways to accept cryptocurrency payments — most will work like credit card payment gateways: the customer sends a payment to the gateway and they make a payment to your account, with their commission deducted. Bitvolo is unique and works differently and according to the very idea of trustlessness the cryptocurrencies are base on: you don’t need to trust us in the transaction, the payment goes directly from the customer to your account.
Key features:
– Supported cryptocurrencies: IOTA, Stellar XLM, XRP, EOS, TELOS, WAX, tokens on the Stellar, EOS, WAX, TELOS networks and SEPA bank transfers
– Trustless payments: You receive payments directly to your own address — they never go through our accounts
– CHF 0.05 per transaction. No other fees for the seller or for the buyer
– Your prices can be expressed in any fiat currency (USD/EUR/CHF/etc). We’ll automatically convert it into equivalent amount in given coin at the time of checkout
– Forget about maintenance/technical issues: We operate our own blockchain/tangle nodes and take care of the maintenance/technical issues. You should be able to operate your web shop without having to worry about such problems
You’ll find the tutorial at https://bitvolo.com/woocommerce-trustless-crypto-payments.
In short: enable Bitvolo payments and specify your account ID and secret key which you’ll find in the Bitvolo backend
Ekran Görüntüleri
Go to https://bitvolo.com/woocommerce-trustless-crypto-payments for installation details.
- Is there help or support for the Bitvolo plugin?
Yes! Please visit https://bitvolo.com/woocommerce-trustless-crypto-payments/.
- Where can I get answers to my other questions?
You’ll find the complete FAQ at https://bitvolo.com/faq.php
Bu eklenti için herhangi bir değerlendirme bulunmuyor.
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Değişiklik Kaydı
- Original release
- Adding support for WAX, TELOS