Digger By Digtective


The plugin gives instant implementation of Digger by Digtective on your website by connecting it to the Digger app. Digger is a tool for cookieless tracking of online advertising and conversions (including delayed, offline conversions) with 100% accuracy while maintaining GDPR and ePrivacy compliance. In addition to WordPress, Digger connects with your CRM, your ecommerce platform, Google Analytics, Google Ads,  and many other services. Plugins are available for quick self-service onboarding for most major platforms.

Read our Terms of Service here:

And our Privacy Policy here:

Compressed Content

Our frontend is build with React and requires compilation to build the files.
Reference of the code can be found on the public repository here: https://github.com/Digtective-AS/digger-wordpress-plugin-fe

Session Management

Our plugin is a GDPR tracking system. Due to the needs of GDPR we have to do all our tracking via the server without collecting personal data.
For this very reason our app uses session_start() on every page. The data stored in the session is then used in our tool to get correct attribution.

Third Party Integrations

  1. Hubspot
    We use hubspot’s API to connect to their custom Forms and get the data necessary for tracking.

This API is provided by HubSpot, as seen in their documentation: https://developers.hubspot.com/.
The urls used right now are:
*.hsforms.net or just hsforms.net depending on the usage.


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