Bu eklenti, WordPress’in son 3 ana dağıtımı ile test edilmemiş. Artık bakımı yapılmıyor veya desteklenmiyor olabilir ve WordPress’in daha güncel sürümleriyle birlikte kullanıldığında uyumluluk sorunları olabilir.

Enhanced Custom Menu


Enhanced Custom Menu replaces the ‘Automatically add new top-level pages’ feature of wordpress 3.0 with an enhanced version automatically adding subpages to their respective place in your custom menu’s hierarchy. This plug-in allows custom menus in wordpress 3.0 to work like wp_list_pages with the ability to edit the menu from the admin menu editing interface.
This is perfect for those who would like to automatically add subpages to their navigation menu on publish without editing core wordpress files.
Enhanced Custom Menu also updates the delete menu item feature, when a page is changed from publish to draft, review, or moved to the trash, the respective menu item is removed. If the page is later added re-published the menu item will come back.

In 0.2 pages that have sub-pages are not removed from the menu if they are changed from published status. This retains the structure of the menu.

Note: You must have custom menus enabled, running wordpress 3.0, and turn on ‘Automatically add new top-level pages.’


  1. Upload WPEnhancedCustMenu.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In the Menus administration page check “Automatically add new top-level pages”


What version of wordpress is required?

3.0 or later.


Bu eklenti için herhangi bir değerlendirme bulunmuyor.

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“Enhanced Custom Menu” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.

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Değişiklik Kaydı


  • Pages with sub-pages are not removed from menu retaining the menu structure.


  • Initial Release