This plugin migrates sections, categories, posts, images, medias and tags from Joomla to WordPress.
It has been tested with Joomla versions 1.5 through 4.0 and the latest version of WordPress on huge databases. It is compatible with multisite installations.
Major features include:
- Joomla! Bölümleri kategoriler olarak taşır
- Kategoriler ve alt kategorileri taşır
- Joomla! içeriklerini taşır (yayınlanmış, yayınlanmamış ve arşivlenmiş)
- Joomla! web bağlantılarını taşır
- uploads all the posts media in WP uploads directories (as an option)
- Harici medyayı yükler (isteğe bağlı)
- Medya bağlantılarını korumak yazı içeriğini değiştirir
- Resimleri WP ayarlarında tanımlanmış ölçülerde yeniden boyutlandırır
- Öne çıkan görseli yazının ilk resmi olarak tanımlar
- Resim alt nitelik yazısını korur
- Resim yazılarını korur
- İç bağlantıları değiştirir
- Meta anahtar kelimeleri etiket olarak taşır
- Sayfa ayraçlarını taşır
- Joomla! içeriklerini yazı ya da sayfa olarak aktarabilir
No need to subscribe to an external web site.
Perimum sürüm
The Perimum sürüm includes these extra features:
- Yazarları ve diğer kullanıları parolaları ile birlikte taşır
- Dolaşım menülerini taşır
- SEO: Meta açıklamalarını ve meta anahtar kelimelerini taşır
- SEO: Joomla içerik ID’lerini koru veya Joomla! URL’lerini WordPress’deki yeni URL adreslerine yönlendir
- Joomla! 1.0 ve Mambo 4.5 ve 4.6 uyumlu ({mosimages} ve {mospagebreak} işlemi)
- Joomla! 1.0 sabit içerikleri sayfa olarak al
- Joomla! 2.5+ öne çıkan resimleri taşı
- migrates Joomla 2.5+ post links
- Joomla! 3.1+ etiketlerini taşı
- migrates Joomla 3.7+ custom fields
- Mambo verisi taşıma
- Elxis verisi (Joomla 1.0 fork) taşıma
- ability to run the import automatically from the cron
Premium sürüm şuradan satın alınabilir: https://www.fredericgilles.net/fg-joomla-to-wordpress/
The Premium version allows the use of add-ons that enhance functionality:
- K2
- EasyBlog
- Flexicontent
- Zoo
- Kunena forum
- sh404sef
- JoomSEF
- OpenSEF
- WP-PostViews (Joomla görüntülenmeleri muhafaza et)
- JComments
- JomComment
- Komento
- JDownloads
- Joomlatags
- Attachments
- Rokbox
- RokGallery
- JoomGallery
- PhocaDownload
- PhocaGallery
- Joom!Fish translations to WPML
- JEvents events
- Contact Manager
- Docman
- Virtuemart
- JReviews
- Mosets Tree
- User Groups
- Simple Image Gallery & Simple Image Gallery Pro
- RSGallery
- Community Builder
- RSBlog
- AllVideos
- HikaShop
- Acymailing
Satın alınabilecek modüller: https://www.fredericgilles.net/fg-joomla-to-wordpress/add-ons/
- English (default)
- Esperanto (eo)
- French (fr_FR)
- Spanish (es_ES)
- Italian (it_IT)
- German (de_DE)
- Polish (pl_PL)
- Bulgarian (bg_BG)
- Brazilian (pt_BR)
- Greek (el_EL)
- diğer çeviri yapılabilecekler
- Install the plugin in the Admin => Plugins menu => Add New => Upload => Select the zip file => Install Now
- Activate the plugin in the Admin => Plugins menu
- Run the importer in Tools > Import > Joomla (FG)
- Configure the plugin settings. You can find the Joomla database parameters in the Joomla file configuration.php
Hostname = $host
Port = 3306 (standard MySQL port)
Database = $db
Username = $user
Password = $password
Joomla Table Prefix = $dbprefix
I get the message: “[fg-joomla-to-wordpress] Couldn’t connect to the Joomla database. Please check your parameters. And be sure the WordPress server can access the Joomla database. SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘xxx’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)”
- Öncelikle Joomla! veritabanı kullanıcı ve parolasını doğrulayın.
Eğer Joomla! ve WordPress aynı sunucuda kurulu değilse: - If you use CPanel on the Joomla server, a solution is to allow a remote MySQL connection.
- go into the Cpanel of the Joomla server
- Veritabanı bölümüne gidin ve “Uzak MySQL”e tıklayın
- There you can add an access host (WordPress host). Enter the access host as the SOME-WEBSITE-DOMAIN-OR-IP-ADDRESS and click add host.
- Another solution is to copy the Joomla database on the WordPress database:
- export the Joomla database to a SQL file (with phpMyAdmin for example)
- import this SQL file on the same database as WordPress
- run the migration by using WordPress database credentials (host, user, password, database) instead of the Joomla ones in the plugin settings.
- Öncelikle Joomla! veritabanı kullanıcı ve parolasını doğrulayın.
I get this error when testing the connection: “SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused” or “SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory”
- Bu hata sunucu localhost:/tmp/mysql5d.sock şeklinde yapılandırıldığında gerçekleşir
Bunun yerine, localhost;unix_socket=/tmp/mysql5d.sock şeklinde yapılandırın.
- Bu hata sunucu localhost:/tmp/mysql5d.sock şeklinde yapılandırıldığında gerçekleşir
The migration stops and I get the message: “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXX bytes exhausted” or I get the message: “Internal server error”
- First, deactivate all the WordPress plugins except the ones used for the migration
- You can run the migration again. It will continue where it stopped.
- You can add:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');
in your wp-config.php file to increase the memory allowed by WordPress - You can also increase the memory limit in php.ini if you have write access to this file (ie: memory_limit = 1G). See the increase memory limit procedure.
I get a blank screen and the import seems to be stopped
- Same as above
The media are not imported
- Check the URL field that you filled in the plugin settings. It must be your Joomla home page URL and must start with http://
The media are not imported and I get the error message: “Warning: copy() [function.copy]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration”
- The PHP directive “Allow URL fopen” must be turned on in php.ini to copy the medias. If your remote host doesn’t allow this directive, you will have to do the migration on localhost.
Nothing is imported at all
- Check your Joomla version. The Joomla 1.0 database has got a different structure from the other versions of Joomla. Importing Joomla 1.0 database is a Premium feature.
All the posts are not migrated. Why ?
- The posts put in trash are not migrated. But unpublished and archived posts are migrated as drafts.
- Some users reported that the Zend Framework causes an incomplete import. So, if all the data is not migrated, consider deactivating the Zend Framework during the migration.
I get the message: “Fatal error: Class ‘PDO’ not found”
- PDO and PDO_MySQL libraries are needed. You must enable them in php.ini on the WordPress host.
Or on Ubuntu:
sudo php5enmod pdo
sudo service apache2 reload
- PDO and PDO_MySQL libraries are needed. You must enable them in php.ini on the WordPress host.
I get this error: PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant ‘MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND’
- You have to enable PDO_MySQL in php.ini on the WordPress host. That means uncomment the line extension=pdo_mysql.so in php.ini
Does the migration process modify the Joomla site it migrates from?
- No, it only reads the Joomla database.
I get this error: Erreur !: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1193] Unknown system variable ‘NAMES’
- It comes from MySQL 4.0. It will work if you move your database to MySQL 5.0 before running the migration.
I get this error “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM”
- You must use at least PHP 5.3 on your WordPress site.
I get this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
- It is a compatibility issue with your version of MySQL.
You can read this post to fix it: http://forumsarchive.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?id=8667
- It is a compatibility issue with your version of MySQL.
None image get transferred into the WordPress uploads folder. I’m using Xampp on Windows.
- Xampp puts the htdocs in the applications folder which is write protected. You need to move the htdocs to a writeable folder.
How to import content from one section as posts and another section as pages?
- You can use the Convert Post Types plugin after the migration.
Do I need to keep the plugin activated after the migration?
- No, you can deactivate or even uninstall the plugin after the migration (for the free version only).
Is there a log file to show the information from the import?
- Yes since version 1.45.0. First you must put these lines in wp-config.php:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
And the messages will be logged to wp-content/debug.log.
- Yes since version 1.45.0. First you must put these lines in wp-config.php:
How does the plugin handle Weblinks?
- The plugin imports the Joomla web links to WordPress links managed by the Link Manager plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/link-manager/
Ekranım çok fazla hata sebebiyle günlük penceresinde takılıyor
- Günlük otomatik yenileme özelliğini, günlük otomatik yenileme işaretini kaldırarak durdurabilirsiniz
Forum üzerinden yorum yapmak veya bulduğunuz hatalar varsa bildirmekten çekinmeyin.
Katkıda Bulunanlar ve Geliştiriciler
“FG Joomla to WordPress” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.
Katkıda bulunanlar“FG Joomla to WordPress” 1 dile çevrildi. Katkıda bulundukları için çevirmenlere teşekkürler.
“FG Joomla to WordPress” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.
Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?
Kodu görüntüleyin, SVN deposuna göz atın ya da RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone olun.
Değişiklik Kaydı
- Fixed: Warning: Trying to access array offset on false
- Tested with WordPress 6.7.1
- Tested with WordPress 6.7
- Fixed: Rollback of last fix that prevents the relationship between the article and its category
- Fixed: The term meta key could be incorrect if the imported term is not a regular category
- Tested with WordPress 6.6.1
- New: Add the hook “fgj2wp_process_content”
- Tested with WordPress 6.6
- Tested with WordPress 6.5.3
- Fixed: Files whose filename is longer than 255 characters were not imported
- Fixed: Images were not imported by File System method
- Tested with WordPress 6.5.2
- New: Import the PDF files contained in the “iframe” and “object” links
- New language: Esperanto
- Fixed: Translations missing
- Tested with WordPress 6.5
- New: Run the plugin during the hook “plugins_loaded”
- Tweak: Replace rand() by wp_rand()
- Tweak: Replace file_get_contents() by wp_remote_get()
- Tweak: Replace file_get_contents() + json_decode() by wp_json_file_decode()
- Tweak: Replace json_encode() by wp_json_encode()
- Tweak: Remove the deprecated argument of get_terms() and wp_count_terms()
- Fixed: Unsafe SQL calls
- Fixed: Rename the log file with a random name to avoid a Sensitive Data Exposure
- Fixed: Error:SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘p.featured’ in ‘field list’
- New: Import the featured articles as sticky posts
- Tested with WordPress 6.4.3
- New: Add the hook “fgj2wp_import_media_filename”
- New: Add the hook “fgj2wp_process_content_media_links_new_link”
- Fixed: First image was not imported as the featured image
- New: Don’t import the images in duplicate when they have the same filename but a different title
- Fixed: Plugin log can be deleted with a CSRF
- Fixed: Found 3 elements with non-unique id #fgj2wp_nonce
- Tested with WordPress 6.4.2
- New: Sort the files downloaded by FTP or by the file system
- Tested with WordPress 6.4.1
- Fixed: Categories with duplicate names and with a parent with a greater ID were not imported
- Tested with WordPress 6.4
- New: Import the images description
- Tested with WordPress 6.3.1
- Fixed: Warning about the Internationalization add-on even if it is installed and active
- Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string
- New: Add the functions get_wp_post_ids_from_meta and get_wp_term_ids_from_meta
- Tested with WordPress 6.3
- Fixed: FTP connection failed with password containing special characters
- Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: preg_match(): Argument #2 ($subject) must be of type string, array given
- Tested with WordPress 6.2.2
- Tested with WordPress 6.2
- New: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
- New: Check if Docman 2.x is used on Joomla
- Update from Premium version
- Fixed: The option “Import the media with duplicate names” didn’t work anymore (regression from 4.2.0). So wrong images were imported.
- Fixed: Images containing a backslash were not imported
- Fixed: Images containing the same alt and src, and with alt before src were not displayed in the post
- Tested with WordPress 6.1.1
- Tweak: Add the function get_post_meta_like()
- Tested with WordPress 6.1
- Tweak: Shorten the filenames if the option “Import the media with duplicate names” is selected
- Tested with WordPress 6.0.3
- Tested with WordPress 6.0.2
- New: Run the import in AJAX
- New: Add a progress bar
- New: Add a logger frame to see the logs in real time
- New: Ability to stop the import
- New: Compatible with PHP 7
- Restructure the whole code using the BoilerPlate foundation
- FAQ updated
- Initial version: Import Joomla 1.5 sections, categories, posts and images