HivePress Konum Belirleme


Hive Press Konum Belirleme HivePress eklentisi için bir uzantıdır. Kullanıcıların konuma göre listeleme aramalarına olanak tanır.

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24 Şubat 2024
Adding Geo-location is an awesome functionality for listings and vendors. It works well, performs quickly and can be integrated with GoogleMaps or Mapbox. Only draw back is it recognizes street address in Google Maps only and not businesses or “places” as an example it’s good for listings at (1 Alphabet Street, New York). But if you want to add location like (Central Park, New York) it will display the text but when a user clicks on the link, it will not go to Google Maps Central Park and instead will just open Google Maps with a default search of ‘ which will return no results. Making for a confusing User Experience (UX) but it may be early days, the support from this group is top notch so maybe they’ll patch it up in near future.
7 Ocak 2021
Congratulations on the excellent extension and thanks for providing it for free!
2 incelemeyi oku

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