Bu eklenti, WordPress’in son 3 ana dağıtımı ile test edilmemiş. Artık bakımı yapılmıyor veya desteklenmiyor olabilir ve WordPress’in daha güncel sürümleriyle birlikte kullanıldığında uyumluluk sorunları olabilir.

Permalink Trailing Slash Fixer


When your permalink structure does not end by a trailing slash (/), all your links look like http://example.com/2009/05. Permalink Trailing Slash Fixer add the missing trailing slash.


If you have a site with the following permalink structure /%category%/%postname%.html and your permalinks
look like these:

  1. Single Post: http://example.com/my-category/sample-post.html.
  2. Category: http://example.com/my-category.
  3. Archive: http://example.com/2009/05.
  4. Page: http://example.com/about.

After activation of the plugin:

  1. Single Post: not modified.
  2. Category: http://example.com/my-category/.
  3. Archive: http://example.com/2009/05/.
  4. Page: http://example.com/about/.


Upload the Permalink Trailing Slash Fixer plugin to your blog, Activate it.
Enjoy 🙂


7 Kasım 2017
Not sure why wordpress prefers the ‘no slash’ approach. But I like a good slash at the end of a URL. This plugin is great. Fixed the problem on my sites in a few seconds. Brilliant! Thanks!
3 incelemeyi oku

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