Add Threema Buttons to your Website and allow your Visitor to Contact you.
The Contact Button show only on mobile Device
- Add your Threema-ID
- Different View for Mobile Device and Desktop
- Positioning for the Info-Box (Pages // Posts // Pages and Posts)
- backend translated into several languages
frontend messages translated into several languages
Design your own Widget
Now you can style your [threema1] Shortcode.
Add this CSS into your style sheet file and edit it
.smartthreema_container {
border: 1px double brown!important; /* Style the Border */
.smartthreema_container_h4 {
color:red!important; /* style title color /
font-size:22px!important; / style title font size */
.smartthreema_container_txt {
color:green!important; /* style description text */
Ekran Görüntüleri
Plugin aktivieren.
Plugin konfigurieren
In which languages is this plugin available?
English & German
Wie merke ich, ob es eine neue Version des Plugins gibt?
Dann wird man im Plugin Ordner deiner WP Installation auf die Upgrade-Möglichkeit aufmerksam gemacht.
Was muss ich tun, wenn ich ein Bug bemerke?
Man schickt dem Entwickler eine eMail an eric@chefblogger.me und meldet den Bug und wie man ihn nachvollziehen kann.
Katkıda Bulunanlar ve Geliştiriciler
“Smart Threema” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.
Katkıda bulunanlar“Smart Threema” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.
Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?
Kodu görüntüleyin, SVN deposuna göz atın ya da RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone olun.
Değişiklik Kaydı
v2.4 (12/12/2024)
- update for new wordpress version
v2.3.3 (06/05/2022)
- Version update for WP 6.0
v2.3.3 (2/17/2022)
- Version update for WP 5.9
v2.3.2 (01/16/2021)
- Now you can design your own threema section
v2.3.1 (01/01/2021)
- Add frontend Translations for English, US and German
v2.3 (12/31/2020)
- Updated for WordPress 5.6
- Add Translations for English, US and German
v2.2.1 (08/13/2020)
- Updated for WordPress 5.5
v2.1 (06/26/2019)
- Add new Msg for user
v2.0 (06/26/2019)
- you can now deactivate the buttons from showing
- Floating Buttons
v1.5 (06/25/2019)
- Add 4 different Shortcode
v1.0 (02/06/2019)
- Add a positioning for the Threema Information-Box
v0.1 (02/05/2019)
- Add to WordPress Respository
v0.0.1 (02/03/2019)
- Created