Eklenti etiketi: ad blocker
Easy Adsense Injection Plugin
(1 toplam puan)Wordpress plugin to easily insert Google Adsense to your WordPress posts, pages, footer and sidebar. You can also set alternate ads for ad blocker.
Detect AdBlock
(5 toplam puan)Detect AdBlock and prevent browsing when the visitor has AdBlock in the browser! Easy to use, just install it and activate it.
adBuddy+ (AdBlocker Detection) by NetfunkDesign
(2 toplam puan)Display a pop-up notice asking your visitors to disable their AdBlocker software. This plugin is built using Jmlevick adBuddy + jsBuddy software.
Sorry AdBlocker
(0 toplam puan)This plugin will detect users using AdBlock software Crystal and other AdBlock tools.