Eklenti etiketi: CSS3
WP Sponsor Flip Wall
(2 toplam puan)This is a WordPress plugin that use CSS 3 flip animation. This use wordpress post type to create sponsors. This plugin was update to prevent any probl …
WP Fossil
(1 toplam puan)Provides support for media queries and emulating CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
CHBD CSS3 Accordion
(4 toplam puan)This plugin will help users to create an eye catching accordion style with pure css3.
(0 toplam puan)Plugin for patching old versions of IE (7 and 8)to work with CSS3 selectors and Media Queries.
Red Eyes Froggy Buttons
(0 toplam puan)Red Eyes Froggy Buttons makes adding stunning hover effets to your button, links and input of type "submit" and "button" easier than before.
(0 toplam puan)Easily add visually appealing Collapsible Panels facing any direction on the screen, without jQuery. Supports Shortcode, Custom Colors and 12 differen …
Wp Textillate
(5 toplam puan)The plugin allows you to add moving text with different animations both widgets and content via shortcode.
Add Custom CSS and JS
(2 toplam puan)Now you can write different code of CSS and JS for admin panel and for front-end and you can also use different css and js if user is login.
(0 toplam puan)Visit http://swmenu.com and use the free online editor to make your own customised version of this pluggin.
Zia3 Rotating Words
(1 toplam puan)Zia3 Rotating Words is a pure CSS typography effect animation opening screen for any website by Serkan Azmi at Zia3
Page Loading
(3 toplam puan)Add a CSS3 effect to your blog while loading pages. 給你的部落格增加一個帶有CSS3效果的頁面載入動畫