Eklenti etiketi: custom background
Background Image Cropper
(9 toplam puan)Bu eklenti, başlık görselleriyle eşitlik sağlamak için arka plan görsellerine kırpma ekleyen bir WordPress çekirdek özellik eklentisidir. Bu özellik için …
Custom Background Changer
(7 toplam puan)Custom Background Changer Plugin is allows you to very easily to add custom color or background image on each post and pages.
Widget Customizer for WordPress – Free Version
(1 toplam puan)Customize your widgets without any CSS knowledge! – Mihajlovicnenad.com
Background Patterns
(0 toplam puan)Use a library of beatiful patterns and decorate your webpage background.
Genesis Custom Backgrounds
(0 toplam puan)This plugin provides the option to select a default custom background.
Visual Developer Custom CSS
(2 toplam puan)Visual Developer is an intuitive way to customize your website in just a few minutes, your imagination is the key here.
Get Background From Library
(0 toplam puan)(No longer in development.) Add an action button to images in the media library. Easily use any image as your custom background
Custom WP Admin Login
(0 toplam puan)Custom WP Admin Login plugin allows you to easily customize your admin login page according to your needs.