Eklenti etiketi: excerpt
Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
(147 toplam puan)Auto Excerpt for your posts on home, search and archive pages. Customize Read More button and thumbnail image. Easy to configure and have a lot of opt …
Page Excerpt
(10 toplam puan)This plugin adds the same functionality of the excerpt feature in posts to pages.
Read More Excerpt Link
(6 toplam puan)Create "Read More" link after post excerpt instead of ellipsis […] Also modify excerpt length.
RSS Image Feed
(13 toplam puan)The RSS Image Feed adds the first image of a post to your feeds, even in firefox and even if you only display the excerpt.
Recent Comments Widget Plus
(20 toplam puan)Provides custom recent comments widget with extra features such as display avatar, comment excerpt and much more!
(2 toplam puan)This plugin generates a better excerpt for multi-byte language users (Chinese, for example). Besides, it keeps the html tags in the excerpt.
Storefront Blog Excerpts
(13 toplam puan)Change the post content area on your archive pages to show the excerpt instead of the full content.
Recent Posts Widget Plus
(1 toplam puan)This plugin allows you to display the most recent posts with an excerpt in a WordPress sidebar widget area.
Excerpt Editor
(1 toplam puan)Quick edit or create excerpts for both Posts and Pages, auto-generate and append excerpts or replace the content with excerpts.
Empty P Tag
(7 toplam puan)This plugin hides empty paragraphs and make your butyfull design without breaking design.
PJW Page Excerpt
(1 toplam puan)This plugin allows you to specify a specifc excerpt for WordPress pages.
Excerpt Tools
(1 toplam puan)Change the default text and description of the excerpt box, add an excerpt box to pages and show a jQuery character counter and limiter.
(5 toplam puan)Strips the #more fragments from the end of Read More teaser links so they link to full posts.
Remove Blank P Tag
(0 toplam puan)This plugin remove extra p and br tags from the_content and the_excerpt.
Remove Wpautop
(1 toplam puan)This plugin remove extra p and br tags from the_content and the_excerpt.
Excerpt Length
(0 toplam puan)Adds an Excerpt Length field setting to the Reading Settings section, this is used to set the number of words that appear in the the_excerpt().