Eklenti etiketi: filter
(5 toplam puan)Strips the #more fragments from the end of Read More teaser links so they link to full posts.
TableOn – WordPress Posts Table Filterable
(13 toplam puan)TABLEON – Posts Table Filterable: WordPress plugin for displaying and filter posts and their custom post types in table format.
TSL iframe unfilter
(0 toplam puan)A simple plugin that prevents the Tiny MCE editor from removing iframe tags. Wordpress will still block iframes based on privileges.
Widget Logic Visual
(8 toplam puan)Widget Logic Visual Version lets you control on which pages widgets appear using WP's conditional tags without having to know how conditional tag …
GA Admin Taxonomy Search
(3 toplam puan)Make it easy to search/filter items in your admin categories meta box.
Plugin Name: Admin filter posts by year
(1 toplam puan)In your admin area, this plugin offers the avaibility to filter your posts by YEARS and not only by MONTHS OF YEARS.
Wanna Isotope
(7 toplam puan)A plugin to easily build Isotope/Masonry layouts with any content (posts, pages or custom post types). Responsive grids, filterable content.
PE Category Filter
(1 toplam puan)This plugin allows you to exclude posts that belong to certain categories from your home page.
Filter Featured for WooCommerce
(2 toplam puan)Adds capability to filter WooCommerce products based on featured status.
Remove Wpautop
(1 toplam puan)This plugin remove extra p and br tags from the_content and the_excerpt.
Media Library Filter
(3 toplam puan)Filter the media in your library by the taxonomies and terms with which they are associated.
Building showcases for items With Elementor: ELFI
(1 toplam puan)"ELFI Masonry" is a filterable and gallery showcase addon for the Elementor page builder.
Remove More Jump
(4 toplam puan)Removes the anchor from the permalinks ("read more"-links), so you don't jump halfway down the page.
Allow Javascript in Text Widgets
(2 toplam puan)Replaces the default text widget with one that allows Javascript so you can do basic things like add Google Ads to your sidebar without using other pl …
Cat + Tag Filter
(9 toplam puan)This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress site that gives your visitors an ability to filter all your posts by a category or/and tag.
Gallery Image Captions (GIC)
(1 toplam puan)Gallery Image Captions (GIC) allows you to customise WordPress gallery image captions.