Eklenti etiketi: icecast
Radio Player – Live Shoutcast, Icecast and Any Audio Stream Player for WordPress
(90 toplam puan)The Radio Player plugin adds live audio streaming to WordPress, supporting Shoutcast, Icecast, and more for easy broadcasting.
StreamCast – Radio Player for WordPress
(7 toplam puan)Play iceCast, Shoutcast, Radionomy, Radiojar, RadioCo Live stream in Wordpress.
Now playing for AzuraCast
(2 toplam puan)Display currently played song of an AzuraCast instance in a sidebar.
Icecast Now Playing
(1 toplam puan)Displays Icecast current song playing, number of listeners, and a link to play the audio stream.
Station Pro
(8 toplam puan)A persistent player bar that plays your stream across your website and supports various audio formats is what Station Pro lets you do.
(0 toplam puan)VMPlayer (Vouscast Media Player) is a popout player specifically designed for Shoutcast and Icecast radio.