Eklenti etiketi: images
Disable Media Sizes
(20 toplam puan)Provides options to disable the extra images generated by WordPress.
Optimize Images Resizing
(45 toplam puan)Plugin optimizes the process of generating custom image sizes in WordPress and offers a cleanup functionality for preexisting images.
iOS images fixer
(30 toplam puan)Automatically fix iOS-taken images' orientation using ImageMagic/PHP GD upon upload.
Pojo Lightbox
(0 toplam puan)This plugin used to add the lightbox (overlay) effect to all images on your WordPress site with Pojo Framework.
Free Assets Library – Openverse/Pixabay 600+ Million Images
(11 toplam puan)Free Assets Library is the #1 WordPress plugin which provides 600 Million FREE Images with 90,000+ downloads 🚀
(23 toplam puan)Show before-and-after pictures in your blog, with an interactive slider that allows users to compare them.
(9 toplam puan)Enables fancybox on all image links including BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG links.
WooCommerce Product Image Flipper
(28 toplam puan)Adds a secondary image on product archives that is revealed on hover. Perfect for displaying front/back shots of clothing and other products.
User Photo
(20 toplam puan)Allows a user to associate a photo with their account and for this photo to be displayed in their posts and comments.
Featured Galleries
(20 toplam puan)Do you like giving posts a Featured Image? Try out a Featured Gallery. It's like a Featured Images … except as many images as you want.
Require Featured Image
(16 toplam puan)Requires content you specify to have a featured image set before they can be published.
(12 toplam puan)This plugin creates an image slideshow in your theme, using the jQuery Cycle plugin. You can upload/delete images via the administration panel, and di …
WOW Slider
(96 toplam puan)WOW Slider is a Wordpress slider with stunning visual effects and tons of professionally made templates.
Send Images to RSS
(26 toplam puan)Improve your RSS: for full text feeds, replace large site images with email friendly images. Customize summaries with images and beautiful excerpts.
Inline Image Upload for BBPress
(61 toplam puan)Upload inline images to BBPress forum topics and replies.
Better REST API Featured Images
(11 toplam puan)Adds a top-level field with featured image data including available sizes and URLs to the post object returned by the REST API.