Eklenti etiketi: Kindle
MPL-Publisher — Ebook & Audiobook Creator
(30 toplam puan)MPL-Publisher 📚 creates an ebook, print-ready PDF book, EPUB for KDP, Flipbook, or Audiobook MP3 converting your WordPress posts.
dotEPUB, a push-button cloud-based e-book maker
(1 toplam puan)The dotEPUB plugin automatically adds a "Download as an e-book" button or link to your blog posts.
Read Later Buttons
(1 toplam puan)Adds "read later" buttons to a site. Can send content to Kindle (additional plugin required), Instapaper, Pocket, and Readability.
Post 2 epub
(0 toplam puan)Permite crear archivos en formato epub con las entradas publicadas en el sitio. Allows you to create epub format with the entries posted on the site.
Kindle Best Seller Calculator
(1 toplam puan)Amazon KDP is pretty cryptic. The only way you can tell how well someone else's Kindle ebook is doing is by checking out that ebook's Best …
Daily Free Kindle Books
(3 toplam puan)This plugin creates a sidebar widget that displays images of and links to free Kindle books for the day (updated daily). You can add your Amazon affil …