Eklenti etiketi: oidc
UMich OIDC Login
(0 toplam puan)Restrict access to the whole site or only certain parts based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) login and group membership information.
OpenID Connect Server
(0 toplam puan)Use OpenID Connect to log in to other webservices using your own WordPress.
(0 toplam puan)This plugin allows users to use their domain to sign in into WordPress, through any third party of their choice. It uses the ID4me protocol and requir …
Datawiza Proxy Auth Plugin – SSO
(1 toplam puan)The Proxy Auth Plugin helps developers/DevOps/admins easily implement authentication and authorization for WordPress by using a JWT (JSON Web Token) p …
Scouting OpenID Connect
(0 toplam puan)WordPress plugin for logging in with Scouting Nederland OpenID Connect Server.