Eklenti etiketi: preload
Prerender and Prefetch
(1 toplam puan)Puts Prerender and Prefetch tag in the page. Allowing compatible navigators to do a pre-load of the page you figure the visitor is going to go.
LH HTTP/2 Server Push
(0 toplam puan)Does HTTP/2 Server Push for JavaScript and CSS resources properly.
Preload Everything
(0 toplam puan)Fasten Your Website Loading Speed By Preloading Internal Pages Ahead Of The Time For Your Visitors.
Quick Preloader
(0 toplam puan)This plugin will enable custom background color and custom preloader image url in your wordpress site.
Preload & Pjax Faster Page Load
(4 toplam puan)About 0.5 seconds faster page load of the site, even after you've taken the various means for faster site, without making any changes.
VMV Preloader
(0 toplam puan)The first modern preloader as animation handwriting text SVG! 11 variants of preloader.
Smooth Preloader
(0 toplam puan)Smooth Preloader is a lightweight plugin that adds a visually appealing preloader animation to your WordPress website.