Eklenti etiketi: publication
WP Calameo
(4 toplam puan)This plugin allows to embed Calaméo publications in blog posts. Copy the WordPress embed code and paste it into your post.
Issues and Series for Newspapers, Magazines, Publishers, Writers
(65 toplam puan)PublishPress Series is the publishing plugin that allows you to organize posts into issues or series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, writers …
Content Update Scheduler
(8 toplam puan)Schedule content updates for any WordPress page or post type.
Yumpu E-Paper publishing
(25 toplam puan)The YUMPU E-Paper Plugin allows you to upload PDF files and converts them into an E-Paper.
Rock Content
(0 toplam puan)Este fantástico plugin permite integrar o seu blog Wordpress com as plataformas de marketing de conteúdo da Rock Content. Além de integrar o cliente d …
WP Unpublish
(0 toplam puan)WP Unpublish adds a post status "Unpublished" to your WordPress Posts (Classic Editor).
Manage Calameo Publications by Athlon
(2 toplam puan)This plugin allows managing Calameo account(s) through WordPress.
DOI Identifier
(0 toplam puan)Add DOI Indentifer Widget in your website used to find Research Article.
Dropp Pay Per Use
(1 toplam puan)Effortlessly monetize your publication with Dropp Pay Per Use. Accept micropayments for your content.
(0 toplam puan)This plugin allows to embed YouScribe publications in blog posts using Open Embed.