Eklenti etiketi: scanning
WPDoctor Malware Scanner & Vulnerability Checker Lite
(0 toplam puan)This plug-in can exhaustively scan program files on the site to detect malware and vulnerability.
WP Scanner – Performance and Security
(2 toplam puan)Scan your WordPress site and receive recommendations on how to improve load time, performance and security.
(2 toplam puan)Secure your Wordpress of WPScan Prevent hackers using WPScan to find vulnerabilities in your site, disable this plugin when you are security testing o …
(0 toplam puan)Ext Security. Monitoring about evil hacking attempts. Our reports – Simply, Briefly and in Detail.
Scanner FMS
(0 toplam puan)A simple scanner for your main theme. Looks for suspicious inclusions in theme files. ( base64, eval, shell_exec, etc. )