Eklenti etiketi: scheduled posts
Missed Scheduled Posts Publisher by WPBeginner
(52 toplam puan)Are your scheduled posts missing their publication times? Missed Scheduled Posts Publisher effectively resolves the 'missed scheduled post' …
Scheduled Post Trigger
(27 toplam puan)Checks to see if any scheduled posts have been missed. If so, it publishes them. NOTE: This plugin is meant as a stop-gap until you and your web host …
WP Missed Schedule Posts
(6 toplam puan)Auto publish future/scheduled posts missed by WordPress cron
WP-Cron Status Checker
(6 toplam puan)If WP-Cron runs important things for you, you better make sure WP-Cron always runs!
WP-Cron Control
(10 toplam puan)This plugin allows you to take control over the execution of cron jobs.
Snack Missed Schedule
(2 toplam puan)Uses separate recurring cron task to check for missed schedules.
Zamanlama Kaçırıldı Hatası Giderici
(0 toplam puan)Zamanlama kaçırıldı uyarısı veren zamanlanmış yazılar için, kesin çözüm sunar. Her dakikada bir çalışan bir Cron sayesinde, zamanlaması kaçırılan zamanlanmış yazılar otomatik olarak yayınlanır. Eklenti sitedeki performansınızı etkilemeden çalışabilir ve bunun için programlanmıştır.
Scheduled Post Guardian
(9 toplam puan)Watches over scheduled posts, and makes sure they don't miss their scheduled time
Internal Linking For Scheduled Posts
(1 toplam puan)A very simple way to add scheduled posts to WordPress' internal linking system.
Scheduled Posts Publisher
(0 toplam puan)This plugin will checks and if any scheduled posts have been missed, it publishes them.
Linked Future Posts Widget
(0 toplam puan)A widget that displays a list of scheduled posts with links to the posts.
Scheduled Post Reminder Notifications
(0 toplam puan)Sends timely reminders via email or dashboard notifications for your scheduled posts, ensuring you never miss an important content update.