Eklenti etiketi: staging
Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid Backup & Migration
(1.129 toplam puan)Migrate, staging, backup WordPress, all in one.
BlogVault WordPress Backup Plugin – Migration, Staging, and Backups
(276 toplam puan)Comprehensive WordPress backup plugin with integrated staging, migration, and 1-click restore. Get daily or real-time secure WordPress backups easily.
Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule
(125 toplam puan)Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule is an automated incremental backup plugin that backs up your website changes as per your schedule to Dropbox, Go …
InstaWP Connect – 1-click WP Staging & Migration
(11 toplam puan)Create a staging WordPress site from production (live site). Ideal for testing updates, version change or re-write. Sync back only the changes.
(24 toplam puan)Draft up revisions of live, published content. The live content doesn't change until you publish the revision manually or with the scheduling sys …
Display Environment Type
(3 toplam puan)Displays WordPress 5.5's new environment type setting in the admin bar and the 'at a glance' dashboard widget.
Force Admin Color Scheme
(2 toplam puan)Force a single admin color scheme for all users of the site.
Contextual Adminbar Color
(8 toplam puan)Use custom admin bar colors and favicons to differentiate your environments (staging/prod)
The Permalinker
(2 toplam puan)Use short codes to dynamically link to your WordPress pages and posts. All you need is the ID. This can come in handy when developing content for Word …
Apex Digital Toolbox
(0 toplam puan)Too many plugins installed to do basic things? Bring some common functions ones into one plugin to make life that little bit easier for developers.
Password Protect Staging
(2 toplam puan)Quickly and easily password protect a site to keep it from the prying eyes of google.
(1 toplam puan)Notifies the admin by email as soon as a user has successfully logged in. The mails are customizable, the plugin is completely translatable.
PLX Multi-Environments
(0 toplam puan)Manage separate Development, Staging, and Production environments directly from the Wordpress Admin screen.
Sandbox Site powered by Playground
(2 toplam puan)Short description
Enables running a sandbox of your site using WordPress Playground (https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-playground)
PushLive – Staging Sites to Live in One Click
(3 toplam puan)Allows you to have a fully functioning development Staging Site or Multisite that you can individually Push to Live when ready.
Hide WPEngine Tab
(0 toplam puan)WPEngine is a fantastic Wordpress hosting provider with an absolutely fantastic function – the one click staging environment.
Deploy Helper
(0 toplam puan)Simplify the process of deploying a website. If you ever worked on a Wordpress site on a local environment, you know how frustrating it can be to move …