Eklenti etiketi: Wall
Flash Gallery
(2 toplam puan)Flash Gallery is the only practical way to publish VAST amount of pictures in a post. Features full screen viewing, slideshows, albums and more.
Padlet Shortcode
(1 toplam puan)Allows the use of a special short code [padlet] for embedding Padlet Walls.
BuddyPress Wall
(13 toplam puan)BuddyPress Wall (BP-Wall) turn your Buddypress Activity Component to an activity stream similar to a Facebook “Wall”.
Buddypress Activity Plus Styling
(4 toplam puan)Additional CSS styles for the Buddypress Activity Plus plugin.
WP Sponsor Flip Wall
(2 toplam puan)This is a WordPress plugin that use CSS 3 flip animation. This use wordpress post type to create sponsors. This plugin was update to prevent any probl …
BP Profile Activity Wall
(2 toplam puan)Adds a a new "All" tab in the BuddyPress Members Profile Activity and makes it the default landing tab in order to create a Facebook like Wa …
WP Twitter Wall
(2 toplam puan)Display a live Twitter wall at your event, using your WordPress website!
Social Wall Widget
(0 toplam puan)A Social Wall Widget to easily add the Social Wall iFrame code to WordPress Sites.
SomeNano for WordPress
(0 toplam puan)Accept Nano Cryptocurrency on your WordPress site. Set up a paywall so content on posts or pages is hidden until the user pays an amount of Nano.