Product Excel Import & Export for WooCommerce


With this WordPress plugin you can do Product Import & Export for Woocommerce in Bulk with Excel instantly.
Unlimited import/updates of Simple products along with their images is possible as the process works in batched to avoid PHP memory limits.
Export your WooCommerce products in excel file to later do Inventory Stock Updates or change your Prices in bulk.


  • Product Import Simple Products with Excel
  • Product Update Simple Products with Excel easily , stock inventory and prices updates.
  • Product Export for Woocommerce of your Simple Products in Excel – by the hit of a button!
  • Filter Product Exports by keyword
  • Import Product Categories tree with excel – Independently from products to create your product categories hierarchy for your Eshop.
  • Data mapping – Drag and drop Excel Columns to Product Fields easily. No More Hassle with CSV’s!
  • Automatch feature – The plugin can automatically map excel columns to the relevant product fields based on label names.


  • define user role to use the plugin apart from admin

You need to Import / Export Variable Products?

The PRO Version of this wp plugin allows you to do Product Import Export for WooCommerce, Simple or Variable with Multiple Attributes, import Images & Galleries for custom fields – acf pro, update products by ID, SKU or TITLE. Moreover, WPML compatibility and multilingual support for product import , Import WooCommerce Subscription Products , Schedule Product Import with CRON Job and create Import Template to Save Time, import Product Categories with their Images, all using Excel!

How to

  1. Create an excel or use the sample from plugin setting’s page with tou data – 1st row is the heading eg. TITLE, 2nd row will have the product title. Use 1 row for each product. Each Column represents a field to import along with your product.
  2. Upload the excel file on Product Excel Import & Export for WooCommerce settings page.
  3. Once you upload, you will see a screen where you can map the data from the excel to the product fields of WooCommerce.
  4. Click Upload and wait. Product Import in Bulk will function with no hassle!

Lastly, added “wpeieWoo” user capability for admin, you are free to set this capability either programmatically or with a plugin like ‘User Role Editor’.

Video Instructions


  • PRODUCT IMPORT – SIMPLE & VARIABLE – You can upload simple products with attributes or variables, along with their attributes and their images!
  • Import WooCommerce Subscription Products
  • Support for WPML WooCommerce Product Translations Import with Excel
  • Import / Export Affiliate/External products
  • Import Product Featured image
  • Import Product Image Gallery
  • Schedule Product Import / Update with CRON JOB
  • Save Template for Product Import to save time
  • UPDATE SIMPLE & VARIABLE PRODUCTS – Through WooCommerce Product Excel Importer Premium, users are free to update those products with simple attributes and variables.
  • Define which attributes will be used for your Variable Products during Import
  • Update by Product ID, SKU or Title. You can easily export get the necessary fields and update back.
  • PRODUCT IMPORT – SIMPLE PRODUCTS WITH ATTRIBUTES: add multiple attributes,comma separated, this means you need only one Excel row for each product!
  • Update Feature Supports Update by PRODUCT ID – given in the Export Feature! This was you can easily update simple products or variable, along with product variations on the fly!
  • FIELDS SUPPORTED: User preConfigured Attributes, User preConfigured Custom Taxonomies, length, width, height, downloadable, download url, download expiry, download limit, virtual, purchase note, crossell ids, upsell ids, purchase note, backorders, sold individually, featured, tax class, tax status, stock status, shipping class
  • CUSTOM FIELDS SUPPORT: ACF / ACF PRO and other plugin’s post meta fields – YOU CAN ALSO manually set the name of custom field you need to be available for import & export
  • Import / Export YOAST SEO Meta Product fields, like META TITLE, META DESCRIPTION
  • Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations
  • Compatible with Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce
  • Compatible with Perfect Brands for WooCommerce
  • Compatible with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
  • IMPORTS CUSTOM TAXONOMIES – along with product creation you can import terms for any custom taxonomy which is pre assigned to post type product.
  • EXPORT SIMPLE & VARIABLE PRODUCTS. The excel is providing the product or Variation ID, you can choose what products to show based on criteria and also choose which columns – product fields to export
  • DELETE PRODUCTS WITH EXCEL – Just like you can import multiple products, you can delete them as well. Deleting is based on ID or product Title.
  • IMPORT PRODUCT CATEGORIES with Images: you are able to import multiple product categories individually from product creation along with uploading Product Category Image. This allows you to complete your work a lot quicker, without missing out on important stuff such as e-shop categories.
  • HTML SUPPORT for PRODUCT DESCRIPTION – directly from an excel column you can right html to import as content for your product description. As simple as that!
  • HTML SUPPORT for PRODUCT EXCERPT – directly from an excel column you can right html to import as content for your product exceprt. As simple as that!
  • Set Default Attribute Combination for Variable Products
  • Define custom separator for when importing / exporting multiple values of a field. This avoids conflicts with comma separated values , mixed with values with comma as delimiter

— Last but not least, define which WordPress role will access the plugin apart from Admin straight in settings page

PRO VERSION DEMO user:demo – pass:demo
Get it Here

Check our other Plugins

Orders Import – Orders Export, Coupons Import Export, Reviews & Products Import/Export Bundle
Bulk Edit + Excel Importer
Excel Importer for Any Content Type
Users & Customers Import Export with Excel
Stock Manager with Excel & Auto Updates

Ekran Görüntüleri

  • WordPress Product Excel Import & Export configuration screen
  • WordPress Product Excel Import & Export data mapping
  • WordPress Product Excel Import & Export mapped data
  • WordPress Product Excel Import & Export Functionality


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins directory and unzip, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Woo Product Importer menu link, ‘Import from Excel’ Submenu on Products or Submenu on Woocommerce or Settings link on plugins page to use the plugin.
  4. Upload your excel file (there is a link for a sample excel file) and proceed to data mapping and creating your products.


How to do product import in excel for WooCommerce?

Add one row for each product and each column will refer to a product field, such as title, description, prices, etc. Example excel provided to download through plugin’s configuration scren.

Can I update the existing products for WooCommerce?

Yes, update is also supported and will be mentioned while uploading. Update is based on Title. If a title entered in an excel column exists as product in your website, this product’s fields will be updated.

Can I add categories with Excel for WooCommerce Products?

Yes, when you add a cateogory terms in excel, this will be created along with the product.
You can add them comma separated in an excel column.

How do i define if a WooCommerce Product is in stock?

By default, leaving stock column blank will create products that are ‘in stock’.
If you need the to be as ‘out of stock’, simple add ‘0’ to stock column and map it through the import process.

How can I add custom taxonomies along with the product?

This feature is available in the PRO Version.

Can I add WooCommerce Product Gallery Images and Featured Image?

This feature is available in the PRO Version.

Can I import Orders, Coupons or Reviews with this plugin?

This feature is available in Products Reviews Orders Customers Coupons WooCommerce Migration Pro

Can I update by SKU?

This feature is available in the PRO Version.

Can I import / update Product ACF fields or other Custom Fields?

This feature is available in the PRO Version.
The only prerequisite is that you have already created manually a product and pressed ‘PUBLISH’ after you installed and created fields with ACF or other Similar plugin, so that the entry of this custom field exists in the database.

Can I import or export WordPress Users with this plugin?

For such a feature you can use Users Import Export with Excel.

Can I update just Stock and Prices automatically with Cron?

For such a feature you can use Product Stock Manager PRO.

Can I import Coupons and Products Reviews with this plugin?

For such a feature you can use Orders, WooCommerce Subscriptions, Coupons, Reviews & Products shop Migration

Is plugin compatible with WPML?

WPML compatibility and multilingual support product import is available in the PRO Version.

Can Other user apart from admin access the plugin?

Yes, we added “wpeieWoo” user capability for admin, you are free to set this capability either programmatically or with a plugin like ‘User Role Editor’

Can I import / export WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions with this plugin?

This feature is available in the PRO Version of Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel


16 Eylül 2024 1 yanıt
the import of the .xlsx was flawless work like a charm except it only import a few ithem of the xl NOT good. Lack of choice what directory it go to also a problem. Mybe in the future this be resolved or it is in the paid version not sure. If it is should give the paid version as trial for 7 days to make surte all the bugs work. This is my view look foward for update.
7 Şubat 2024 1 yanıt
I bought that plugin a month ago. It’s not even able to import what’s exported with it. It can’t connect attributes to variation, it removes attributes, in some situations, I guess that it replaces products in wp_posts, as post_date was set to the date of importing, which then makes old products to be shown as new in sliders and search. When I try to add one attribute, it removes all others… I’ve thrown my money… I am very disappointed…
29 Mayıs 2023 1 yanıt
gives the message that the products have been imported but no products can be found.
2 Şubat 2022 1 yanıt
The plugin is very good, the support responds immediately to any problem that may occur and gives you a solution. I suggest it.
30 incelemeyi oku

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Değişiklik Kaydı


phpspreadsheet updated to 3.4 version


check woo compatibility


rewrite import code to insert products in chunks and avoid any php memory limit
compatibility woocommerce 8.7


run js due to popup


fix signup repeatedly showing
check compatibility


show signup only on plugin page


fix dismiss note
add product gallery import and export functionality


fix export issues


add product Image import and export functionality
fix export issues


check wp compatibility


check PHP 8.2 compatibility


localization fix


fix PHP 8.06 compatibility


added feature to import product cateogories tree with excel


extra check for wc_product return


fixed set_sale price


Fix product import index based on meta – SKU on backend – update WooCommerce table wc_product_meta_lookup


Added feature for Automatching Excel Columns to Product Fields if Excel Label the same with product field
Fixed bug when importing Excel with empty Column


compatibility checks, change descriptions


Remove Sale price by adding 0 to excel cell
Fix Setting stock to zero by adding 0 to excel cell
Fix updating prices and stock number with values less than zero ( 0 )


Replace PHPExcel Library with PHPSpreadsheet


fixed export duplicates


added capability for user other than admin to access – check compatibility


add post status to import


fixed compatibility with wp 5.5


added option to import also paretn product categories


fixed php error on calculaction/functions.php
checked wooCommerce 3.7 compatibility


changed export functionality – export directly to .xlsx


Export fix in chrome
Check WooCommerce compatibility 3.6.5


Export Simple Products to Excel for WooCommerce added
Bug fixes on import functionality
Wordpress 5.1 compatibility.


Check WordPress 5.0 compatibility.
Check latest woocommerce version compatibility.
Added Features: Import Author id, import URL Slug, Virtual Product


Bug fix for decimal values on weight, prices etc.


Short Description field – Excerpt support for import


Drag n Drop for Excel Files


If description column not selected, during update previous content will be preserved


Properly refresh the view for price changes for products – delete product_transients.


Functionality to add multiple categories or tags from one cell comma separated
Fix UI
Avoid css conflicts


Fix bug with empty excel columns
