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Helphealth Medical

Helphealth Medical

Bu tema iki yılı aşkın süredir güncellenmemiş. Artık bakım yapılmıyor ya da desteklenmiyor olabilir ve güncel WordPress sürümleri ile uyumsuz olabilir.

  • Sürüm 1.0.8
  • Son güncellenme 06.05.2022
  • Aktif kurulumlar 200+
  • PHP sürümü 5.6

Helphealth Medical is a clean, modern and fully responsive health and medical WordPress theme. This theme is suitable for medical, clinic, pharmacy, store, dentist, Hospital Supplies, laboratory, doctors, cosmetic surgery, Health Care Supplement Online Sale, Corona Virus Prevention Medicines, psychiatrist, physiatrist or any other business websites. And the theme is easy to use and customize for anyone regardless of their technical knowledge. You can customize the layout, design templates, and almost everything with the help of a live customizer. Checkout the live demo at http://bootitems.com/wp/helphealth-medica.

Günlük indirme sayısı

Etkin kurulumlar: 200+