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One Page Scroll

One Page Scroll

Bu tema iki yılı aşkın süredir güncellenmemiş. Artık bakım yapılmıyor ya da desteklenmiyor olabilir ve güncel WordPress sürümleri ile uyumsuz olabilir.

  • Sürüm 1.3.0
  • Son güncellenme 26.07.2018
  • Aktif kurulumlar 100+
  • WordPress sürümü 4.7

One Page Scroll is a one page responsive WordPress theme built using the Twitter Bootstrap framework and retina ready Font Awesome icons integration. One Page Scroll also uses the Options Framework plugin with extensive theme options which lets you set custom logo, typography and more. Choose from four predefined sections and build the homepage that best suits your company, you can sort the section order by simply drag & drop with the fantastic control panel. Each of the homepage sections can have a parallax background image and its own set of colors. It designed to easily display your photo albums use WordPress gallery shortcode. You can not only use it to create a singlepage-style front page for your WordPress business website, but also create your personal blog easily. You can check the demo at http://demo.hoosoft.com/one-page-scroll/

Günlük indirme sayısı

Etkin kurulumlar: 100+