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Bu tema iki yılı aşkın süredir güncellenmemiş. Artık bakım yapılmıyor ya da desteklenmiyor olabilir ve güncel WordPress sürümleri ile uyumsuz olabilir.

  • Sürüm 1.0.8
  • Son güncellenme 16.04.2019
  • Aktif kurulumlar 40+
  • WordPress sürümü 5.0
  • PHP sürümü 5.2

A starter theme based on Underscores. No child theme is required to use the theme, simply give the theme a new name and away you go. This theme is meant for developers although it does not require much development experience. Stix is in fact a great learning tool. This theme plays nicely with the Block Editor as well as the Classic Editor. It provides a quick and easy way of building a fully responsive and accessibility-ready theme without much effort.

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Etkin kurulumlar: 40+



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Bu tema aşağıdaki dillerde geçerlidir: English (US).

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