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Bu tema iki yılı aşkın süredir güncellenmemiş. Artık bakım yapılmıyor ya da desteklenmiyor olabilir ve güncel WordPress sürümleri ile uyumsuz olabilir.

  • Sürüm 1.2.10
  • Son güncellenme 05.08.2019
  • Aktif kurulumlar 200+
  • WordPress sürümü 4.9
  • PHP sürümü 5.2.4

Vast is a free premium quality WordPress theme. It was built on a design system to aim flexibility and reusability, so you can build any page as much as you want without worrying about the visual clutter. Vast is a bloat-free WordPress theme. Because we believe that you do not need tons of pointless features for your project. Bloated WordPress theme could harm your business. Vast take good care of it and you will get more reliable WordPress site as a result. With 5 years of experience in WordPress business and more than 15.000 customers around the world, we know that user satisfaction is our number one priority. Our team is ready to assist you to build your project. No matter how small or big your project, we can help! Before you decide to jump on the ship, better check this 24 FREE starter template here: https://vastthemes.com/starter-templates-gallery/

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Etkin kurulumlar: 200+



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Bu tema aşağıdaki dillerde geçerlidir: English (US).

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