WordPress yönetim panelindeki yazı, kullanıcı, yorum ve ortam listelerini yönetin ve düzenleyin. WordPress yönetim ekranlarını harikulade, tertemiz genel bakış ekranlarına dönüştürün.
Admin Columns Pro
Admin Columns eklentisinin Pro sürümü sütunların sıralanmasını, süzülebilmesini, direkt olarak düzenlenebilmesini ve CSV olarak dışarı aktarılabilmesini de sağlar. Admin Columns Pro bir çok üçüncü parti eklentiler için de entegrasyonlar sunar:
- Advanced Custom Fields: tüm özel alanlarınız için sütunlar ekleyin
- WooCommerce: ayrıntılı ürün ve sipariş bilgisi gösterin
- Toolset türleri, Yoast SEO ve daha fazlası
Web sitemizden Admin Columns Pro özellikleri hakkında ek bilgiler edinin.
Gelişmiş liste tabloları
Varsayılan olarak WordPress liste tablosu sağlar, bu da yönetim panelinde size bir genel bakış sunar. Ne var ki bu tablolar oldukça kısıtlıdır. Yazılar ve özel yazı tipleri için, yazı başlığı ve tarih ötesinde çok da bir veri görüntülenmez. Admin Columns bu liste tablolarında kontrolü ele almanızı sağlıyor, genel bakış ekranında görüntülenen sütunları yönetebilmenizi sağlıyor. Özel alanlar, öne çıkan görseller, özel taksonomiler, ortam dosyalarının EXIF verisi ve çok çok daha fazlası (Admin Columns beraberinde 200 sütun içerir), içeriğiniz ile mükemmel uyumlu genel bakış ekranları oluşturabilirsiniz.
Admin Columns WordPress kurulumunuzu büyük ölçüde geliştirir. Basit bir blog ya da tam teşekküllü kurumsal bir site olsun, değerini dakikalar içinde kanıtlayacaktır. Adanmış geliştirme ve destek ekiplerimiz sayesinde, Admin Columns eklentisinin her türlü WordPress kurulumunuzun değişmez bir parçası olacağından emin olabilirsiniz.
Admin Columns eklentisinin size (ya da müşterilerinize) önerebileceği oldukça fazla olasılıklar ile ilgili biraz olsun fikir sahibi olmak için ekran görüntülerini incelediğinizden ve örnek videoyu izlediğinizden emin olun!
Sıralanabilir, filtrlenebilir ve düzenlenebilir sütunlar & içeri/dışarı aktarım
Yeni sütunların tümü ekranlarda sıralamayı destekler ve bir çoğu da süzmeyi destekler. Bir diğer harika özellik ise direkt düzenleme: Bu size her türlü veri tipini (başlıklar, öne çıkan görseller, özel alanlar ve taksonomi dahil) yerinde düzenleme imkanı sağlar. Bu özellikler sadece Admin Columns Pro sürümünde! Admin Columns Pro ayrıca sütun düzeninizi içeri ve dışarı aktarmanızı, sütunlarınızı PHP olarak saklamanızı da sağlıyor, ki böylece siz (ve müşterileriniz) yönetici arayüzü ile uğraşmak zorunda kalmıyor!
Üçüncü parti eklenti entegrasyonu
Admin Columns özel sütunlar kullanan hemen hemen tüm eklentiler ile mükemmel çalışır. Yoast SEO (SEO sütunları), WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields, Types and Pods için örnekler içerir. Bu eklentiler tarafından eklenmiş özel sütunları yeniden organize etmenin ötesinde ayrıca genel bakış ekranında Admin Columns tarafından sağlanan sütunları da ekleyebilirsiniz!
Admin Columns Pro geliştirici lisansı Advanced Custom Fields ve WooCommerce uzantılarını da içerir, böylece bu eklentilerle kolayca entegre olabilir.
Özel alan sütunu
Admin Columns sahip olduğunuz tüm özel alanlar için, yazılar (yazı metası) ya da kullanıcılar (kullanıcı metası) özelinde özel alanlar görüntüleyebilmenizi sağlar. Bir çok farklı özel alan tipi desteklenmektedir, örneğin dosyalar, görseller, numaralar ve hatta yazı ve kullanıcı ilişkileri. Özel içerikleriniz için harika genel bakış ekranları oluşturabilirsiniz!
Özel alanlarınızın doğru biçimlendirildiğinden emin olmak için Admin Columns otomatik olarak meta verilerinizi biçimleyen özel alan tipleri sunar.
- Renk
- Tarih
- Resimler
- Rakam
- Metin
- Bağlantı
- Doğru/Yanlış
- [Pro] İlişkili: yazılar, kullanıcılar ve ortam
Desteklenen içerik türleri
Admin Columns yazı (yazılar, sayfalar ve özel yazı tipleri), kullanıcı, yorum, ortam ve taksonomi (Sadece Admin Columns Pro sürümünde) listelerinizi değiştirebilir! Aşağıda her bir içerik tipi için desteklenen sütun tiplerini görebilirsiniz.
Yazı tipi sütunları
- İşlemler
- [PRO] Advanced Custom Field sütunu
- Eklenti
- Ek sayısı
- Yazar
- Yazar ismi
- Daha fazlası etiketinden önce
- Kategoriler
- Yorum sayısı
- Yorum durumu
- Yorumlar
- İçerik
- Özel alan
- Yayınlanma tarihi
- Sayfa derinliği
- Tahmini Okuma Saati
- Özet
- Öne çıkan görsel
- Biçimler
- No
- Değiştirildi
- Sıra
- Sayfa şablonu
- Ebeveyn
- Yol
- Kalıcı bağlantı
- Ping durumu
- Yazı biçimi
- Roller
- Kısayollar
- Kısa isim
- Durum
- Sabit
- Taksonomi
- Kelime sayısı
Kullanıcı sütunları
- İşlemler
- Yorum sayısı
- Özel alan
- Açıklama
- E-posta
- İsim
- No
- Soyisim
- İsim
- Takma isim
- Yazı sayısı
- Kayıtlı tarih
- Rol
- Bağlantı
- Kullanıcı adı
Ortam sütunları
- İşlemler
- Alternatif metin
- Ekli olunan
- Uygun boyutlar
- Altyazı
- Özel alan
- Açıklama
- Boyutlar
- EXIF Bilgisi
- Dosya
- Dosya Adı
- Dosya boyutu
- Tam yol
- Ağırlık
- No
- Mime türü
- Taksonomi
- Genişlik
Yorum sütunları
- İşlemler
- Temsilci
- Onaylandı
- Yazar
- Avatar
- Özel alan
- E-posta
- IP
- İsim
- Bağlantı
- Tarih
- Tarih GMT
- Özet
- No
- Postala
- Yanıtla
- Tipi
- Kullanıcı
- Kelime sayısı
Belgeler ve destek
Admin Columns eklentisini ilk kez mi kullanıyorsunuz? Başlarken kılavuzumuza bir göz atın.
Geniş ve güncel belgeler, SSS, nasıl yapılır belgeleri ve gelişmiş geliştirici belgeleri sunuyoruz. Bire bir destek için lütfen Admin Columns forumlarınızı ziyaret edin.
Admin Columns çevresindeki harika çevirmenler topluluğu sayesinde eklenti bir çok dilde ulaşılabilir durumda! Kendi dilinizi bulup Admin Columns çevirilerine katkıda bulunmak isterseniz Transifex sayfamızı ziyaret edin.
Geri bildirim ve özellik istekleri
Her türlü istek ve geri bildiriminiz için admincolumns.com.
İlişkili bağlantılar
Ekran Görüntüleri
- codepress-admin-columns klasörünü /wp-content/plugins/ içine yükleyin
- Admins Columns’u WordPress içindeki ‘Eklentiler’ menüsünden etkinleştirin
- Ayarlar menüsünün altında yer alan Admin Column ayarları bölümünden eklentiyi yapılandırın.
Admin Columns için başvuru belgeleri var mı?
Evet, ihtiyacınız olan tüm belgelere admincolumns.com belgeler sayfasından ulaşabilirsiniz.
Bu eklentiyi geliştirmek için harika bir fikrim var
Harika, sizden haber almayı çok isteriz! Lütfen özellik talebinizi forumlarımız üzerinden bize iletin!
Görsellerin küçük görsel boyutlarını nasıl değiştirebilirim?
Sütun seçeneklerinden özel alan seçeneğiniz için özel bir boyut seçebilirsiniz.
Hangi filtre ve kancaları kullanabilirim?
Kullanılabilir eylemlerin ve filtrelerin (ve nasıl kullanacağınıza dair örnekler!) bir listesinde Admin Columns belgelerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Katkıda Bulunanlar ve Geliştiriciler
“Admin Columns” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.
Katkıda bulunanlar“Admin Columns” 13 dile çevrildi. Katkıda bulundukları için çevirmenlere teşekkürler.
“Admin Columns” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.
Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?
Kodu görüntüleyin, SVN deposuna göz atın ya da RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone olun.
Değişiklik Kaydı
Release Date: June 10th, 2024
- [Fixed] Gravity Forms column no longer relies on namespace check
Release Date: June 4th, 2024
- [Fixed] Custom Field column with Post as Display value could give an error
Release Date: April 14th, 2024
- [Fixed] SVG Support in image columns
Release Date: March 4th, 2024
- [Fixed] The Custom Field column setting gave an error when using the text field hook
Release Date: February 6th, 2024
- [Improved] Better loading of available integrations
Release Date: January 16th, 2024
- [Fixed] Fatal error when Restoring the settings in the Settings tab
Release Date: January 9th, 2024
- [Fixed] When the edit columns button was disabled, a styled container was displayed
Release Date: December 6th, 2023
- [Improved] It is now possible to choose how dates are stored in the Custom Field column
- [Improved] Webp images are not recognized for the custom field column
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where non-existing terms could cause an error on the column settings page
Release Date: October 2nd, 2023
- [Fixed] Render values for Taxonomies fixed
- [Fixed] URLs for Terms in Taxonomy columns were incorrect
Release Date: September 19th, 2023
- [Improved] Taxonomy Helper fixes and improvements
Release Date: August 25th, 2023
- [Fixed] Error when adding the ‘Last Modified Author’ column
Release Date: August 21st, 2023
- [Improved] Give better feedback when the settings could not be saved because of missing database tables
- [Fixed] Error on the WPML string translation page
- [Fixed] Some custom columns could give a fatal error on the settings page
Release Date: August 15th, 2023
- [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables
- [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables based on keys
- [Improved] The Preview Column now also show a preview for video and audio files
- [Fixed] The hook
works again to disable Admin Columns for specific post types
Release Date: May 25th, 2023
- [MLA] Media Library Assistant columns were not loaded correctly
Release Date: April 26th, 2023
- [Fixed] Fixed the array helper that could throw an error when an array contained an object
- [Fixed] Re-added deprecated register_group function to prevent fatal errors for third-party plugins
Release Date: April 25th, 2023
- [Improved] Minor changes
Release Date: February 22nd, 2023
- [Added] Integration for Media Library Assistant
Release Date: November 30th, 2022
- [Improved] Styling for dynamic select boxes is improved
- [Improved] The date column setting has some minor UI improvements
Release Date: October 17th, 2022
- [Fixed] DOMDocument will use
to clear any possible errors - [Fixed] The
method will always return anint
- [Fixed] The column separator will always go through the filter:
- [Fixed] The link to the user profile will only be visible for users than can access that particular profile page
- [Improved] Added the atrribute tag
to be compliant with PHP 8.x
Release Date: September 13th, 2022
- [Fixed] JS null checks that could lead to JS errors
- [Fixed] More PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes
Release Date: July 4th, 2022
- [Fixed] Suppress PHP 8.1 warnings
Release Date: June 14th, 2022
- [Added] It is now possible to select the Website display for User related columns
- [Added] New hook to disable the column value sanitation on the table
Release Date: May 16th, 2022
- [Added] New Audio player column for Media list table
- [Fixed] Prevent fatal error, when removing a non-existent column set from a Local Storage repository
Release Date: March 22nd, 2022
- [Added] New Image column for the Media list table
- [Added] The Slug column is now also available for the Media list table
- [Improved] More thorough logic for the ‘Restore Settings’ option.
- [Improved] Refactor of the Setup Script that runs when the plugin is installed and activated for the first time
- [Improved] The Permalink column now also shows the (upcoming) permalinks for future and draft posts
Release Date: February 8th, 2022
- [Fixed] Tooltip arrows were always visible in the dom behind the admin toolbar
- [Removed] Support for the Ninja Forms integration is removed because of incompatibility with the new submission list table
Release Date: December 6th, 2021
- [Hotfix] The ReadOnly class is renamed because it gave a fatal error in PHP 8.1
Release Date: November 8th, 2021
- [Improved] UI Improvements
Release Date: October 26th, 2021
- [Improved] The Menu Order column has no restriction anymore
Release Date: October 12th, 2021
- [Fixed] The setting to hide the ‘Edit Columns’ button did not always store the settings
- [Improved] Do not force showing notices with the hidden classes
- [Added] JetEngine integration banner added
Release Date: September 28th, 2021
- [Improved] Small optimizations for the Add-on page
- [Improved] Give an idea of the available pro settings
Release Date: September 21st, 2021
- [Added] Complete restyling of the Admin interface
- [Fixed] Load a default column set when the preferred column set was restricted in the meantime
- [Fixed] Gravatar display option did not work anymore since the value sanitation
- [Fixed] Possible namespace clash in Admin class
Release Date: June 18th, 2021
- [Added] Added Media columns: Artist and Album
- [Fixed] Column date setting gave an error when the default date format was empty
Release Date: June 11th, 2021
- [Added] Gravity Forms integration banner added
- [Fixed] Changing the screen options on the column settings page is not persisted
- [Fixed] Fixed data formatted labels with sanitation
- [Fixed] The column value is now sanitized
Release Date: April 29th, 2021
- [Fixed] Graceful handle corrupt column settings in order to prevent a fatal error
- [Fixed] The date setting was not working correctly a second time you store a custom date format
- [Fixed] Graceful handle corrupt column settings in order to prevent a fatal error
- [Fixed] The column label in settings will now be sanitized
Release Date: February 8th, 2021
- [Fixed] Some settings were not saved correctly on the admin settings page
Release Date: February 3rd, 2021
- [Added] User Column: First and Last Post(type)
- [Improved] It’s now possible to select a post status for the Post Count column (User)
Release Date: December 15th, 2020
- [Fixed] The updater could give a PHP warning when there were no updates
- [Fixed] Display a correct message when an integration is not installed
Release Date: December 9th, 2020
- [Fixed] WordPress 5.6 compatibility issues
Release Date: October 6th, 2020
- [Added] Title only column added to Media list table
- [Improved] Dashicons updates for icon picker in column settings
- [Improved] New icons for action column added
Release Date: September 9th, 2020
- [Fixed] Slug column now applies
- [Fixed] Links to documentation pages are updated
Release Date: August 21st, 2020
- [Fixed] JS error on table pages
Release Date: August 18th, 2020
- [Added] New api function
to retrieve the available columns for Listscreen ID - [Added] New api function
to retrieve a single column from a Listscreen based on its ID - [Added] Screen Option to show the Listscreen ID and Listscreen Name on the Column settings page
- [Fixed] Fixed User helper that gave some PHP warnings when using in the Author column
Release Date: July 28th, 2020
- [Updated] Column label translation support for WPML was updated for the latest version of WPML
Release Date: July 21st, 2020
- [Added] New columns for the Users table: Fullname, Author Slug and Username / Login.
- [Fixed] CSS conflict on overview pages where post type is ‘Modal’
Release Date: June 9th, 2020
- [Improved] Better Table overview recognition to prevent wrong loaded list screens
- [Improved] The comments column on the users page will now link to the (filtered) comments table
- [Improved] The post count column on the users page now has the option to select all post types
- [Fixed] Renamed the user display option ‘First and Last Name’ to ‘Full name’
- [Fixed] The comment count column for the users page will now only count ‘approved’ and ‘pending’ comments when selecting ‘All comments’
Release Date: April 22nd, 2020
- [Improved] You can now display the column ID and Type by opening the screen options in top right
- [Improved] The meta column will now display a zero (when available) instead of a dash
- [Improved] Improved right-to-left (RTL) support
- [Improved] First time loading columns is faster
Release Date: April 17th, 2020
- [Fixed] Model auto close issue
Release Date: April 15th, 2020
- [Added] Javascript Improvements
Release Date: April 10th, 2020
- [Added] New media column: Download. For easy downloading of files.
Release Date: April 8th, 2020
- [Fixed] PHP5.6 error when loading the settings page from the menu
Release Date: April 7th, 2020
- [Added] Meta Box integration support
Release Date: March 30th, 2020
- [Improved] The column type selector now uses select2
- [Improved] The current
list screen ID
has been added to the URL when filtering a list table, making it easier to bookmark - [Improved] Our buttons on the list table now have the same style and colors as the default WordPress buttons.
- [Added] Tooltips added to each feature of the custom field column
- [Updated] The
class has been refactored - [Updated] The
class has been refactored
Dağıtım Tarihi: 11 Mart 2020
- [Updated] Saving column settings for the first time could result in extra database records.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Şubat 2020
- [Updated] Fallback for wp_timezone when running WordPress < 5.3
- [Updated] Languages for core version updated
Dağıtım Tarihi: 18 Şubat 2020
- [Fixed] Fatal error in Date helper that occurs in PHP 5.6
- [Improved] Re-added the hook
to use a text field for the custom field column setting
Dağıtım Tarihi: 3 Şubat 2020
- [Improved] Use wp_date for column value formatters instead of date_i18n
- [Improved] Set link type for Taxonomy Columns
- [Improved] It is not necessary anymore to load the overview page once in order to recognize the default columns
Dağıtım Tarihi: 19 Kasım 2019
- [Updated] The minimum version required to run Admin Columns is now PHP 5.6.20
- [Improved] Adapted new WordPress interface styling
- [Improved] Updated Select2 to 4.0.12 to prevent non closing drop-downs
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Ağustos 2019
- [Added] Option to limit the amount of taxonomies that is shown in the column with show more button.
- [Improved] Changed WordPress Date Format link
- [Improved] Show more feature that is used in several columns
- [Improved] Update Select2 version that fixes multiple selections bug
Dağıtım Tarihi: 21 Ağustos 2019
- [Improved] Search the list of available custom fields in the drop down with Select2
- [Improved] Change the label for Custom Field column Excerpt to Text
- [Improved] Don’t open column settings when column refreshes
- [Improved] Setting for adding a link to related comments display
Dağıtım Tarihi: 16 Temmuz 2019
- [Fixed] Javascript errors on admin pages for specific columns
- [Fixed] Removed flickering for Pro modal
- [Fixed] Styling issue on the WordPress Customize page
- [Fixed] Re-init tooltips when a column is reloaded or added
Dağıtım Tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2019
- [Fixed] Transient class fixed. Unchanged data did not update the timestamp resulting in invalidating the transient constantly
Dağıtım Tarihi: 10 Mayıs 2019
- [Fixed] IE11 bug when adding new columns
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Mart 2019
- [Improved] Prevent possible warning in User Registered column
- [Improved] Give feedback on settings page when something went wrong
- [Improved] Setting for link Media item to download or view
Dağıtım Tarihi: 18 Şubat 2019
- [Improved] Minor improvements in banners, missing links, etc
Dağıtım Tarihi: 23 Ocak 2019
- [Fixed] Width setting Javascript errors
- [Fixed] Show icons for Action column works again
- [Improved] Show icon labels in the Screen Options menu when necessary
Dağıtım Tarihi: 7 Kasım 2018
- [Improved] Better external image support for Custom Field column
Dağıtım Tarihi: 31 Ekim 2018
- [Improved] Extra display for Path column to show the local path of a file
Dağıtım Tarihi: 25 Eylül 2018
- [Fixed] jQuery noConflict fixes for column settings page
- [Improved] Post title column is now always available
- [Improved] Disable autoloading for ACP options
Dağıtım Tarihi: 21 Ağustos 2018
- [Improved] Set Admin Columns Capability on role instead of User
Dağıtım Tarihi: 15 Ağustos 2018
- [Added] New JS API for column settings page. (Accessible through AC.Form)
- [Improved] Exclude system files in Autoloader
Dağıtım Tarihi: 11 Temmuz 2018
- [Fixed] Improved performance for ac_quickedit_events()
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Haziran 2018
- [Fixed] ThidParty classes are now using correct camelcasing
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Haziran 2018
- [Fixed] Fixed possible fatal error when running update.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Haziran 2018
- [Fixed] Assets did not load correctly. Upgrade script fix.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 25 Haziran 2018
- [Removed] Support for PHP 5.2. The minimum version required to run Admin Columns is now PHP 5.3+.
- [Removed] Deprecated functions (before 3.0) will be removed after 12 months.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 1 Mayıs 2018
- [Fixed] Removed wrongly placed promotional modal
Dağıtım Tarihi: 1 Mayıs 2018
- [Added] Added promotional features to the Custom Field column
Dağıtım Tarihi: 30 Nisan 2018
- [Improved] Styling for dismissable notice (wrong placed dismiss button)
- [Improved] Changed Full Path Label to Path
Dağıtım Tarihi: 30 Mart 2018
- [Fixed] Possible catchable fatal error for Author column fixed
- [Improved] Logic for File Size column for media improved
Dağıtım Tarihi: 21 Mart 2018
- [Improved] It’s now possible to reset the Admin Columns capability by reactivating the plugin
Dağıtım Tarihi: 13 Mart 2018
- [Improved] Minor improvements and PHP warning fixes
Dağıtım Tarihi: 6 Şubat 2018
[Removed] Removed ‘acp/column_types’ action
[Fixed] Small typo in help text
[Update] Updated languages from wordpress.org
Dağıtım Tarihi: 30 Ocak 2018
- [Fixed] Added protected AC_ListScreen::get_object_by_id with deprecated message
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Ocak 2018
- [Fixed] Fixed fatal error for custom taxonomy columns
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Ocak 2018
- [Improved] Admin Columns Capability is now always set
- [Improved] Database update message is only visible for administartors
- [Improved] Links starting with # are now marked as internal
- [Removed] Removed support for the Link/Bookmark list table
- [Added] Added date time settings for columns that use dates
Dağıtım Tarihi: 12 Aralık 2017
- [Added] New setting for content fields: String limit (Limit on words or characters)
- [Improved] Merged the roles column into the author column
- [Improved] Added Before/After fields for the following columns: Content, Excerpt, User Description
- [Improved] Removed deprecated Welcome page
- [Improved] Removed deprecated Upgrade page
Dağıtım Tarihi: 22 Kasım 2017
- [Fixed] Removed unused classes and methods
Dağıtım Tarihi: 9 Kasım 2017
- [Added] Events Calendar integration add-on is now available from the add-ons tab
- [Added] Added before/after fields for ID column
- [Changed] Changed Ajax value interface
- [Fixed] Fixed php warning on count() for php 7.2
- [Improved] Column interface for post relations
- [Improved] Attachment count column combined with Attachment column
- [Improved] Pro banner
- [Improved] Published date shows when a post is not published
- [Improved] Custom field keys for users are now grouped by site option
- [Improved] Added the AC_Plugin class as a more DRY approach to asking meta data about a plugin
- [Improved] Redone the way user preferences are stored. Less records and better compatible with Multisite.
- [Improved] Added the option to write database updates and apply them on a new version
- [Improved] Empty character is just a method now instead of getter/setter with a filter
- [Improved] Added AC_Services class to register services to a column on the fly (DI approach)
- [Improved] Custom fields for users are now grouped per network site
Dağıtım Tarihi: 17 Ağustos 2017
- [Improved] Attachment column: you can now limit the number of items being displayed
- [Improved] Only apply before/after when the value is not empty
- [Improved] EXIF Data now have added before and after fields
- [Improved] Renamed Alt column to Alternative Text
- [Improved] Renamed Before More Tag column to More Tag
- [Improved] Renamed Comment Status column to Allow Comments
- [Improved] Renamed Title without actions column to Title Only
- [Improved] Available Sizes column for media now has the option to include missing file sizes
- [Improved] Added Orientation and Keywords to EXIF data column
- [Improved] Added a tooltip to the actions column
- [Improved] Date Published column now shows a status icon when the post has not yet been published
- [Improved] Post Formats column now has the option to show an icons
- [Improved] Author column can now display the role(s) of the author
- [Improved] Added many helper methods to ac_helper()
- [Removed] Removed the “Attached to Post” column. The column has been replaced by the “Uploaded to” column in WordPress 4.0
- [Fixed] Time difference option in the date column now uses the correct GMT offset
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Temmuz 2017
- [Fixed] Show the type instead of an empty label in the edit columns screen
- [Fixed] Image URLs are supported again for the Custom Field column
- [Fixed] Column with a date setting did not always store it’s value date format correctly
- [Improved] Post Status column can now also be displayed as an icon
- [Improved] Use multibyte function to trim strings for showing a maximum character count
- [Improved] Excerpt column now displays a text icon when the excerpt is generated from it’s content
- [Added] Added a helper to display star ratings
Dağıtım Tarihi : 3 Temmuz 2017
- [Fixed] No columns were shown when you saved your columns without visiting the overview page first
- [Improved] Character limit now strips tags before trimming
- [Improved] Translations for the core are now fetched from Glotpress
Dağıtım Tarihi: 12 Haziran 2017
- [Improved] Clicking the toggle icons in the header of the column settings won’t open the column settings anymore
- [Added] The Last Modified Author and Last Modified Date columns are now available for the Media overview
- [Improved] Fallback for the autoloader to work with lowercase files
- [Improved] User Nicename available as an option for User display
- [Fixed] Media Path now shows correct http protocol
Dağıtım Tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2017
- [Refactor] Complete refactor of core code. Please read Upgrading from v3 to v4
- [Improved] Column will now have a default empty value (dash character)
- [Improved] A column can now use an ajax callback for displaying it’s contents (with AC_Column_AjaxValue interface)
- [Improved] Updated the User Interface
- [Improved] Using dashicons instead of image icons
- [Improved] Action column now always is the primary column
- [Improved] Heading structure in Admin is now correct
- [Improved] Page Template column supports post types (since WP 4.7)
- [Improved] Improved Custom Field column types
- [Added] New user column added: Author name
- [Added] New user column added: Show Toolbar
- [Added] New column for shortlink added
- [Added] Filter for suppressing admin notices
- [Added] New helpers added for array, date, formfield, icon, image, post, string ,taxonomy and user. Helpers can be accessed by using ‘ac_helper()->array()” etc
- [Added] Filter for enabling a ‘clear all columns’ button to the setting page. ‘ac/settings/enable_clear_columns_button’
- [Added] New method for singleton for Admin Columns main class. ‘ac()’
- [Fixed] Comment Response column is no longer displayed in the table when viewing “Comments On”.
- [Fixed] Post Roles columns works again
Dağıtım Tarihi: 24 Kasım 2016
- [Update] Updated promo banner
Dağıtım Tarihi: 6 Temmuz 2016
- [Added] Filter for suppressing admin notices, use:
add_filter( 'cac/suppress_site_wide_notices', '__return_true' )
- [Fixed] Only enable our plugin for taxonomies that are available in the admin
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Nisan 2016
- [Fixed] Hotfix cleanup.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Nisan 2016
- [Fixed] Hotfix. Version 2.5.6 did not display the stored column settings, which has been hotfixed.
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Nisan 2016
- [Fixed] Row actions are now only added to the first column when the primary column isn’t available
- [Fixed] The true/false field option for the Custom Field column will display a cross icon when the value is empty or zero
Dağıtım Tarihi: 7 Nisan 2016
- [Improved] Columns with empty values will now display a dash symbol
- [Fixed] Excerpt column: The label “Excerpt from content” will now only display when the post has content
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Mart 2016
- [Fixed] Columns can be marked as original, in case the default has been replaced by an ac-column
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Mart 2016
- [Fixed] Edit columns button will be positioned correctly on the Trash page
- [Fixed] Obsolete images have been removed
- [Fixed] Roles names column will display the available translation
- [Fixed] Content type label (next to store settings) is displayed correctly when translations are loaded
- [Fixed] After using quick edit the column values will be populated correctly again
- [Fixed] WPML will correctly display it’s “+” icons again. Make sure to add/remove the column.
- [Improved Messages on the settings screen (when using restore columns) are now displayed directly above the columns
- [Improved] Excerpt column will now display a label “excerpt from content” when the actual excerpt field is empty
- [Added] New filter ‘cac/get_posts/post_status’ has been added to change post_status when using `CPAC_Storage_model::get_posts()“
Dağıtım Tarihi: 18 Mart 2016
- [Fixed] Fixes an issue with some 3rd party column not being visible
Dağıtım Tarihi: 16 Mart 2016
- [Fixed] Fixes an issue where some of the WordPress default columns did not display correctly
Dağıtım Tarihi: 16 Mart 2016
- [Fixed] Column settings are displayed correctly now
Dağıtım Tarihi: 16 Mart 2016
- [Updated] The main menu has been replaced with a single dropdown menu
- [Updated] Support for 3rd party columns from other themes or plugins has been greatly improved
- [Added] Added a new column: Comment status
- [Added] The width of default columns are now displayed
- [Improved] Improved JS loading
- [Improved] Replaced FamFam icons with dashicons
- [Improved] Column groups now uses full text strings
- [Fixed] Media actions columns no longer throws an error when the list table is not found
- [Fixed] Height and width columns for media will be appended with ‘px’
- [Fixed] Most zero values will now be displayed as a dash
- [Fixed] Estimate time reading column will no longer display leading zero’s on seconds
- [Fixed] Shortcodes column now display each shortcode name used once, with a counter
- [Fixed] Columns with an imagesize selection setting will have the a default option selected
- [Removed] Removed loading columns through ‘load-edit.php’ filter
- [Added] Column settings are now stored without the need to refresh the page (through ajax)
- [Added] You can disable the columns delete confirmation through this filter
- [Improved] The width of default columns (e.g. date and author) are now displayed
- [Improved] bbPress columns are loaded correctly
- [Updated] All languages files have been updated from Transifex
- [Geliştirici notları]
- [Refactor] CPAC now is a singleton class
- [Refactor] Storage model has been refactored but should stay backwards compatible when extending
- [Refactor] CPAC_Column $storage_model variable has become private. Use CAPC_Column::get_storage_model() method.
- [Refactor] Storagemodel can now be extended to have column layouts/sets
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::is_default() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::is_registered() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::get_empty_char() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_column_types() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_default_colummn_types() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_column_type() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::create_column() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::flush_columns() method added
- [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_restore_link() method added
- [Refactor:changed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_columns()
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_default_registered_columns() method removed
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_custom_registered_columns() method removed
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_stored_columns() method removed
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_grouped_column_types() method removed
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_columns() method removed
- [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_stored_columns() method removed
Dağıtım Tarihi: 9 Şubat 2016
- [Fixed] Data:image sources for images are supported in labels
- [Fixed] Cloned columns no longer has the wrong options when stored
- [Added] Added an extra update button to the bottom of the settings page
- [Fixed] Created deprecated function for is_columns_screen()
- [Fixed] The method get_current_storage_model returns the first occurrence instead of running the entire array of storage modals
- [Fixed] The storage_model object should have the init_manage_columns method to properly load the columns heading and values
- [Fixed] The storage_model object can now be used within sub pages
Dağıtım Tarihi: 21 Ocak 2016
- [Added] Display format Url added to Custom Fields
- [Added] Allow the use of before and after fields for all columns. Use
add_filter( 'cac/column/properties/use_before_after', '__return_true' )
. - [Fixed] Removed Field Groups from post types
- [Fixed] Removed additional avatars from the comments view
- [Added] Added the option to replace the Custom Field select menu with a text input. Use
add_filter( 'cac/column/meta/use_text_input', '__return_true' )
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Kasım 2016
- [Updated] Hidden custom fields are now grouped as “Hidden” in the dropdown list
- [Updated] Minor performance improvements
- [Fixed] New Yoast plugin compatibility
Dağıtım Tarihi: 13 Ekim 2015
- [Added] Comment Post column added
- [Update] User Actions columns extends CPAC_Actions object
- [Update] PHP export columns no longer uses global
- [Added] Added “Link To” selection field for the author column
- [Fixed] Date and Title column are labeled as Default column for posts
- [Fixed] WPML columns will display the correct flag on the overview when switching language
Dağıtım Tarihi: 13 Ağustos 2015
- [Fixed] Page Order column is now available on all supported posttypes
- [Fixed] Time reading columns shows “-” instead of zero when there is no content
Dağıtım Tarihi: 1 Temmuz 2015
- [Fixed] Estimate Time Reading column will not display a value when there is no content
- [Fixed] When updating there was a possbile change on a “Cannot modify header information”
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Haziran 2015
- [Fixed] Support for custom post statuses
- [Fixed] Page Order column is now available on all hierarchical post types
- [Added] WordPress Default columns has it’s own menu group
- [Added] Columns set by plugins has it’s own menu group
- [Added] Custom Field column has it’s own menu group
- [Update] Updated all languages from Transifex
Dağıtım Tarihi: 4 Mayıs 2015
- [Fixed] Comment bubble icon is fixed
Dağıtım Tarihi: 29 Nisan 2016
- [Added] Added new comment columns: type, author and user.
- [Added] Width indicator text is darker
- [Fixed] Remove ‘ symbol from column label, because it causing issues when sorting
- [Fixed] Review notice will only show on admin columns page and with an improved hide button
Dağıtım Tarihi: 16 Nisan 2015
- [Added] Added the development filter ‘cac/menu_types’ to add custom menu types
- [Added] Added public method set_menu_type() to the storage model
- [Added] Added review notice
- [Updated] Po file will exclude Actions columns which contain only native WordPress translatable strings
- [Updated] Updated all languages from Transifex
- [Updated] Pro addon notice text has been updated
Dağıtım Tarihi: 26 Mart 2015
- [Added] Added content column for post(types).
- [Added] Added the column shortcodes, which will display any used shortcodes in your post’s content
- [Added] Column width has a text field to enter the width
- [Added] Added a message for when a custom field is empty
- [Added] Column width can be set to pixels or percentages
- [Added] Added a width indicator to the column settings header
- [Added] Added a singular label to all storage_models
Dağıtım Tarihi: 3 Mart 2015
- [Added] A column can have it’s own JS/CSS files by using the CPAC_Column::scripts() method
- [Added] Column Name can be found by hovering over the “Type” label in your column settings
- [Fixed] Fixed a quick edit issue for comments
- [Fixed] is_field() method of the custom field column works as intended
Dağıtım Tarihi: 30 Ocak 2015
- [Added] Added user column: Visual Editor
- [Added] Added post column: Estimated Reading Time