REST API Toolbox


Allows tweaking of several REST API settings

  • Disable the REST API
  • Remove WordPress core endpoints
  • Require authentication for core endpoints
  • Force SSL
  • WP-CLI commands: wp rest-api-toolbox

Find us on GitHub at

(Creative commons toolbox image provided by James Tworow

Ekran Görüntüleri

  • General admin settings
  • WordPress core settings


  1. Upload rest-api-toolbox to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the Settings -> REST API Toolbox page to customize


Have any questions? We can answer them here?


5 Kasım 2017
This plugin enables three different settings for each REST API endpoint: No authentication required, Authentication required, or Not available at all. It also makes it possible to force https and to disable JSONP. So, together with proper authentication methods and appropriate permissions, this plugin ensures that the REST API can be used without compromising security. Thank you!
13 Aralık 2016
The last update comes perfectly in time with the release 4.7. This plugin is perfect if you don’t use the REST API yet or if you don’t want your data to be accessed without your consent.
7 incelemeyi oku

Katkıda Bulunanlar ve Geliştiriciler

“REST API Toolbox” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.

Katkıda bulunanlar

“REST API Toolbox” 2 dile çevrildi. Katkıda bulundukları için çevirmenlere teşekkürler.

“REST API Toolbox” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.

Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?

Kodu görüntüleyin, SVN deposuna göz atın ya da RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone olun.

Değişiklik Kaydı

1.4.4 January 2nd, 2025

  • Fixed deprecated notices for PHP 8 (props @thefrosty).

1.4.3 March 25th, 2021

  • No longer check for SSL when running any WP-CLI commands.

1.4.2 February 13th, 2017

  • Fixed bug in requiring authentication for endpoints that accessed specific items (ex: /wp/v2/users/1)

1.4.1 January 16th, 2017

  • Added settings support for No Custom Post Types
  • Fixed undefined variable notice (props @funkolector)

1.4.0 January 13th, 2017

  • Added support for removing or requiring authentication for custom post types.
  • Updated Settings UI for better clarity.
  • Added link to settings page from the plugins list page.

1.3.0 December 12th, 2016

  • Added option to require authentication for core endpoints.

1.2.0 December 5th, 2016

  • Updated the way the REST API can be disabled due to the rest_enabled filter being deprecated.
  • Added ‘settings’ to the list of core endpoints that can be removed.
  • Added CLI command: wp rest-api-toolbox status

1.1.0 April 16, 2016

  • Change REST API prefix
  • Remove specific core endpoints
  • Disable JSONP

1.0.0 April 15, 2016

  • Initial release