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10Web Booster – İnternet sitesi hızı optimizasyonu, Cache (Önbellek) ve Sayfa Hızı optimizasyonu aracı

10Web Booster – İnternet sitesi hızı optimizasyonu, Cache (Önbellek) ve Sayfa Hızı optimizasyonu aracı


10Web Booster, tüm sitelerin genel performansını geliştiren bir hız optimizasyon eklentisidir.10Web Booster, WordPress performans optimizasyonuna odaklanır ve sizin WordPress sitenizin yaratıcı yanlarına odaklanmanızı ve bunları geliştirmenizi ister.

90 üzeri PageSpeed puanı alın ve Core Web Vitals’ı otomatik olarak geçin. Google’da daha üst sıralarda yer alın, dönüşüm oranını artırın ve işinizi büyütün.

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10Web Booster

Are you looking for a WordPress page speed plugin that’ll automatically speed up your WordPress site? Then 10Web Booster is exactly website speed optimizer you’re looking for!
Our WordPress performance plugin will transform your website in no time, enhancing the visitors’ user experience, SEO, engagement, and conversion rates.

10Web Booster, sitenin karmaşıklığı fark etmeksizin hem masaüstü hem de mobil sürümlerde çalışmaktadır. Sitenizin sayfalarını optimize edin, sunduğumuz tüm düzeyleri deneyimleyin ve piyasadaki en iyi WordPress hız eklentisinden faydalı sonuçlar edinin.

10Web Booster’ın kapsamlı özelliklerinin bulunduğu aşağıdaki listeye bakın ve sunduğumuz her şey hakkında daha ayrıntılı bilgi edinin.


  • Otomatik +90 PageSpeed
  • Optimize Edilmiş Core Web Vitals
  • Daha yüksek arama motoru sıralamaları
  • Dönüşüm oranında %7’ye varan artış
  • Ziyaretçi etkileşiminde %40’a varan artış
  • Mobil trafik etkileşiminde %53’e varan artış

What’s in it

Ana sayfa + 5 sayfa optimizasyonu, gömülü resimler dahil
10Web Booster, düzinelerce teknik optimizasyon sayesinde mümkün hale gelir:

Sayfa Önbelleği

Önbellek yakın zamanda erişim sağlanan verilerin ve kaynakların kopyalarının kaydedildiği hızlı erişilen, kısa süreli bir depolama alanıdır. Önbellek, yaygın olarak erişilen bu verileri kaynaktan indirip bu kaynakların bir kopyasını oluşturarak ve bunları, ziyaretçi geri döndüğünde verilere daha hızlı erişim sağlayabileceği, daha kolay erişilebilir bir saklama alanında geçici olarak tutarak sayfa hızını ve performansı ciddi derecede artırır.Bu kısa süreli saklama alanı bir tarayıcı, internet sunucusu ve hatta kaynak kopyalarınızın farklı bir biçimini de barındıran orijinal bir internet sunucusu da olabilir. İnternet sitesi verilerinizi güncellediğinizde kaydedilmiş kopyalar da gözden geçirilir ve güncellenir.

10Web Booster; HTML için sayfa önbelleği, dosya önbelleği, akıllı önbellek feshi, oturum duyarlı (session-aware) ve tarayıcı duyarlı (browser-aware) önbellekleme, cihaz ve çerez duyarlı (cookie-aware) önbellekleme dahil çeşitli önbellek teknikleri kullanır.

Page cache takes care of dynamic pages. In WordPress, dynamic pages are written in the PHP backend language, which require a great deal of time to generate, when compared to the generation time of traditional static web pages in plain HTML. Page cache creates and stores copies of dynamic pages in the format of static files, making their retrieval as quick as possible. When a visitor enters your site, this “static” copy of your page is immediately loaded from the cache instead of your hosting.

File cache, or resource cache, on the other hand, allows for storage of created minified and compressed scripts and styles. This process also speeds up your page speed and performance.

10Web Booster Pro, backend veya sunucu önbellekleme kullanır ve NGINX FastCGI Cache aracılığıyla alt alan adlarında sayfalardan akışlara ve 301 Yönlendirmelerine kadar çeşitli kaynakları önbelleğe alır.Böylece mümkün olan en yüksek değerde sayfa hızı ve erişim elde edersiniz.

CSS & HTML Minification & Compression

CSS ve HTML’nin küçültülmesi ve birleştirilmesi, dosya boyutunu birkaç bayt küçültme işlemidir. Bu işlem, daha büyük dosyaların internet sitesi yükleme süresini yavaşlatabilecek daha fazla kaynak gerektirdikleri için önemlidir.

JS Minification and Compression

Uzun algoritmik JavaScript kodlarının sıkıştırılması standart bir uygulamadır. JavaScript kodunun crunch edilmesi fazladan tüm alanların, yorumların ve diğer bileşenlerin kaldırılması anlamına gelir. Kodu daha okunaklı ve anlaşılır kılar, JavaScript indirme zamanını azaltır ve WordPress hızını doğrudan artırır.JS script’lerini birleştirip uygulama zamanını daha da azaltarak dosyaların boyutunu da küçültebiliriz.

Image Optimization

Image optimization leans on minimizing file size through image compression while simultaneously preserving image quality. 10Web’s image optimization achieves that and more. Through WebP compression, container-specific image resizing, and preloading of images, images can be optimized and loaded within seconds.

Container-specific image resizing finds or generates copies of images in various sizes. It then uses these differently sized copies of images on different-sized screens. This technique reduces valuable seconds of image load time and guarantees that you do not sacrifice quality for page speed.
Preloading images also significantly reduces page load time while providing your visitors with a seamless user experience. Preloading images means recovering images prior to visitor interaction. This method does make sense for certain cases – and not for all types of image, like mouseover images or slide show images.

Defer JS and CSS Execution

Having content that’s immediately visible when a user opens your website is only possible with file load optimization through prioritization of important CSS and deferral of JavaScript. That’s how 10Web booster ensures a 90+ page speed score as the best WordPress speed plugin.

Javascript dosyaları, sayfa yükleme hızında ciddi bir azalmaya neden olabilir Bu özellikle de kötü bir biçimde oluşturulmuş üçüncü taraf JavaScript dosyaları için geçerlidir. Üçüncü taraf JavaScript dosyaları şunları içerir↵
widget’lar, izleyiciler, analiz, reklamlar, sosyal, sohbetler, medya butonları, açılır pencerelerve doğrudan sitenize gömülü diğer dosyalar.Bu JavaScript dosyaları sayfa yükleme hızınızı azaltabilir, bu nedenle önce konumları saptanmalı ve ardından önemli ve önemli olmayan JavaScript dosyaları olarak bölünmelidir. Önemli olmayan dosyalar ertelenmelidir ve sadece ziyaretçiler internet sayfasıyla etkileşim kurduğunda etkinleştirilmelidir.

Critical CSS

Downloading complete CSS files hinder the perceived speed of your WordPress website. After the user visits the webpages, the minimum-necessary stylesheets for the proper rendering of the webpage’s visible content are loaded, while the rest is served per need. Critical CSS doesn’t block page rendering and assists in passing the Core Web Vitals. 10Web Booster’s superiority in the case of critical CSS generation is due to its algorithms which programmatically parse through your web page and collect all the CSS rules used on that page. 10Web Booster guarantees that all stylesheets for critical CSS are present and unaffected. It also ensures that rule duplicates are deleted and that styles are structured to improve performance. 10Web Booster uses the critical CSS generation technique on five different screen sizes, from mobile to desktop to deliver the most effective page speed optimize in the market.

Görsel Tembel yükleme

Görseller, sayfa hızınızı yavaşlatan en büyük kaynaklardan biridir.Görsel tembel yükleme sayesinde site ziyaretçilerinin görüntüledikleri görseller haricinde sayfanızdaki tüm görsellerin yükleme işlemini erteleyebilirsiniz.Bu yöntem, yükleme süresinden önemli miktarda tasarruf sağlar ve Core Web Vitals değerlerini büyük ölçüde geliştirir. 10Web Booster, tembel yükleme algoritmalarının harika bir şekilde çalışmasını, temalar ve eklentilerle çatışmamasını sağlar. 10Web Booster ayrıca arka plan görsellerine tembel yükleme yapar.

Yazı Tipi Değiştirme

Bu azaltımın ve optimizasyonun site yazı tiplerinin yüklenmesi üzerindeki etkisi, Core Web Vitals değerlendirmelerini geçmenize potansiyel olarak yardımcı olur ve böylece Google sıralamanızı olumlu şekilde etkiler. Özel yazı tiplerinin yüklenmesi için ek kaynaklar gerekir ve elle seçtiğini yazı tipleri ancak bu şekilde sayfanızda görüntülenebilir. Tabii ki bu, zaman alır ve sayfa hızınıza korkunç milisaniyeler ekler. 10Web Booster font-display özelliği ekler: swap. Bu teknik, öncelikle genel bir yazı tipini görüntüler ve bu nedenle sayfanız anında yüklenir. Ardından orijinal yazı tipini ayarladığınızda varsayılan yazı tipini özel olarak seçilen yazı tipiyle değiştirir.Bu değiştirme yöntemi, sayfa yükleme hızını azaltır ve biçimlendirilmemiş metnin FOUT ve Flash sorunu veya görünmez metnin FOIT veya Flash sorunlarından kaçınmanızı sağlar.

Görsel Formatının WebP’ye Dönüştürülmesi

Images take up website resources and unfortunately cannot be avoided. There are ways to reduce their large size. Conversion to different formats is one solution. Conversion to JPEG or PNG was the traditional method. There is another, a newer player which produces better results. Google’s WebP compression can reduce file size, on average, 25-34% smaller than a comparable JPEG image and 26% smaller than a comparable PNG image. This significant reduction in size, substantially impacts and improves page speed.

iFrame ve Video Tembel yükleme

iFrame ve videoların boyutu görsellerden daha büyüktür, bunların sayfa hızınızdaki etkisini bir düşünün. iFrame’lerin ve videoların tembel yüklemesi ile ziyaretçinin doğrudan görüşünde olmayan içeriklerin sayfa hızınızı etkilememesini sağlıyoruz. Bu ögelerin yüklenmesi, kullanıcı aşağı kaydırma yapana kadar ertelenir. Görsel tembel yüklemede olduğu gibi, iFrame ve video tembel yüklemesi, tüm Core Web Vitals’ı geliştirir.

Çerçeveye Özgü Görsel Yeniden Boyutlandırma

The container-specific image resizing method involves identifying images on your page and creating different-sized duplicates of these images. The differently sized images are then used for differently sized screens. Small-screen devices receive the small-sized images, loading them at the optimal speed possible. Medium-sized screens load medium-sized images, loading images at the fastest possible speed without sacrificing image quality. Large-sized screens, likewise, load large-sized images, ensuring the best quality and the best possible speed. Therefore, with the 10Web Booster, instead of forcing your website to load an enormous image when the user is only looking for a thumbnail, you’ll have a container-specific image at your disposal.

10Web Booster Pro

Tüm sitenin ve görsellerin tam frontend optimizasyonu

Backend optimizasyonu

Hız Optimizasyon Modları

Otomatik ana sayfa optimizasyonunuz başladığında 4 modun her birini test ederiz. Sonuçları karşılaştırırız ve en yüksek puanı veren ancak aynı zamanda sitenizin çökmemesini sağlayan modu, varsayılan olarak ayarlarız.

Dört farklı seviyeden seçim yapabilir ve 10Web kontrol panelinizdeki Özel kurallar sekmesinden seviyeleri her sayfa için ayrı olarak yönetebilirsiniz.Tüm WordPress siteleri için ihtiyacınıza göre en iyi sayfa hızı optimizasyon aracını sağlıyoruz.

  • Standart Mod: – Farklı standart hız optimizasyon teknikleri kullanır.
  • Dengeli Mod: – Standart Moddaki tüm optimizasyon teknikleri + Critical CSS.
  • Güçlü Mod: – Standart Moddaki tüm optimizasyon teknikleri + JS Delay.
  • Ekstrem Modu: – Denge Modundaki tüm optimizasyon teknikleri + JS Delay.


10Web Booster’da bir hata bulduğunuzu düşünüyorsanız veya eklentiyle ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz/sorununuz varsa, lütfen internet sitemizdeki Destek Forumu’na bakın.


10Web Booster’a gösterdiğiniz ilgi için teşekkür ederiz.

Installing via WordPress
Follow the steps below to install 10Web Booster Plugin to your website.
Log-in to your WordPress administrator panel.
Select Plugins page from toolbar menu, click Add New.
Search for 10Web Boosterin the right-top search bar if you want to download the Free version or click Upload Plugin button > “Choose file” (“Browse”) and select the 10Web Booster zip file

FTP ile yüklemek

FileZilla gibi bir FTP yazılımı aracılığıyla hosting alanınıza giriş yapın.↵
Klasörde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadan indirilen 10Web Booster eklentisi klasörünü açın.↵
10Web Booster eklentisini şu konuma yükleyin: wp-content > wp-plugins↵
WordPress Yönetici Paneli’ne giriş yapın.↵
Eklentiler’e gidip Etkinleştir butonuna basarak 10Web Booster’ı etkinleştirin.

Sign-up is required to connect to the 10Web booster service.


1. 10Web Booster mobil cihazlarda da çalışıyor mu?

Gerçekten de öyle! 10Web Booster ile WordPress sitenizin hızını hem mobil hem de masaüstü için artırabilirsiniz.

2. 10Web Booster tüm sitelerdeçalışıyor mu?

10Web Booster optimizes any WordPress website’s speed automatically. Our website booster will provide optimal speed for any and all WordPress websites.

3. 10Web Booster ile elde edilen sonuç kalıcı olacak mı?

The easy answer is yes!
As 10Web Booster is constantly being updated and syncing with Google algorithms and changes, your WordPress speed optimization results will last as long as your website is connected to the 10Web Booster!

4. Sitemin veya sitelerimin diğer sayfalarınınasıl optimize edebilirim?

After you connect your website and start the optimization for your homepage, you will be redirected to your dashboard. In the General tab, you will see a URL slot to add and optimize more pages. Add up to 5 inner pages in the free version. They will be optimized using the default mode we’ve set for your homepage, however, you can always change the optimization mode for a specific page from the Custom rules tab (Pro version).

We’ll leave you to it.

5. Pro sürüme nasıl yükseltebilirim?

Kişisel kontrol panelinizden 10Web Booster Pro’ya geçerek sitenizin optimizasyonunu tamamlayabilirsiniz.

6. Dört optimizasyon modu arasındaki farklar neler?

WordPress hız optimizasyonu eklentiniz için dört mod şunlardır:

Standart mod, kendi içinde aşağıdaki özellikleriiçerir.

  • CSS & HTML Minification & Compression
  • Sayfa Önbelleği
  • JS Minification and Compression
  • Image Optimization
  • Görsel Tembel yükleme
  • Yazı Tipi Değiştirme
  • Görsel Formatının WebP’ye Dönüştürülmesi
  • iFrame ve Video Tembel yükleme
  • Çerçeveye Özgü Görsel Yeniden Boyutlandırma

Dengeli mod; Standart mod özellikleri + Critical CSS Üretimini içerir↵
Güçlü mod; Standart mod özellikleri + Tüm JS Delay’i içerir↵
Ekstrem modu; Standart mod özellikleri + Critical CSS Üretimi + Tüm JS Delay’i içerir

7. 10Web Booster’ın başarı geçmişi nasıl?

10Web Booster, aşağıdakileri gerçekleştirme sürecini otomatikleştirmesiyle tanınır:

Automated 90+ PageSpeed
Optimized Core Web Vitals
Higher search engine rankings
Up to 7% boost in conversions
Up to 40% boost in visitor engagement
Up to 53% mobile traffic engagement boost

8. 10Web Booster, hemen çıkma oranını (bounce rate) nasıl etkiliyor?

With a 90+ page speed, averaging up to a load time of 1.5 seconds, bounce rate worries are out of the question with 10Web Booster. We’re better than good, literally. Good being an average of 2 seconds for load time, which translates to an average of 4 seconds of loading to cause a bounce. There’s no need to worry about your WordPress page speed optimization with the best website speed optimizer, 10Web Booster.

9. Optimizasyon ne kadar sürüyor?

As a plugin that aims to speed up WordPress sites, taking too long wasn’t an option.

WordPress hız optimizasyonu genellikle sadece birkaç dakika sürer.

10. İnternet sitemiçin aynı anda birden fazla hız optimizasyon aracı kullanabilir miyim?

WordPress’ functionality is in its prime when there’s only one speed optimizer fix for any website at a time.
So using another speed optimizer alongside 10Web Booster is not recommended by either us or WordPress.

Aşağıdakilerden herhangi biri, alternatif bir WordPress hız optimizasyon aracı olabilir:

W3 Total Cache↵
WP Super Cache↵
WP Rocket↵
WP Rocket Footer JS↵
WP Fastest Cache↵
Asset CleanUp↵
Shortpixel AI↵
Rocket Lazy load↵
Flying Scripts↵
Async JavaScript↵
PageSpeed Ninja↵
Swift Performance Lite↵
Swift Performance↵
Fast Velocity Minify↵
LiteSpeed Cache↵
WP Performance Score Booster↵
SG Optimizer↵

11. What’s the difference between cache plugins and 10Web Booster?

To sum up caching plugins, they attempt to speed up your website by simply caching files, clearing site cache, compressing cached pages, and performing HTML minification. They don’t require third-party servers for operation and run inside WP servers.

10Web Booster is more than just a plugin, it’s a service that speeds up your website with a wider range of optimization techniques. These techniques can only be implemented using a specific service for website optimization (10Web Booster services), rather than running the solution inside of the WordPress hosting server.

12. 10Web Booster, tüm görüntü optimizasyonunun, önbelleklemenin ve diğer optimizasyon eklentilerinin yerine geçer mi?

Evet. Söz konusu internet sitelerini optimize etmek olduğunda 10Web Booster, hepsi bir arada çözümdür. Frontend optimizasyonu için basit küçültmeden (minification) JS geciktirmesine ve critical CSS oluşturmaya ve backend optimizasyonu için süper hızlı hosting’e kadar düzinelerce hız optimizasyonu tekniği uygular.10Web’in yanında başka bir hız optimizasyonu eklentisi çalıştırmanıza gerek yoktur. 10Web’in henüz sahip olmadığı ancak yol haritasında olan tek önemli özellik, içerik dağıtım ağıdır (CDN).

13. 10Web Booster’ın önbellekleme özellikleri nelerdir?

10Web uses page cache and file cache. They are used to store dynamic webpages as static files. When a repeating visitor accesses your webpage, a “static” version of your webpage is quickly loaded from the cache. This feature works for all websites optimized with 10Web Booster, including those not hosted on 10Web. For sites hosted on 10Web, even more caching options are available, including NGINX FastCGI Cache.


4 Ekim 2024
I installed the free version of 10Web Booster, and after it “optimized” the homepage, the site styling was completely broken and several critical plugins removed. Thank goodness my hosting platform has daily backups we could restore from, otherwise we’d be screwed. Beware!!!
19 Eylül 2024
Mi trovo molto bene e sono riuscito a raggiungere un ottimo risultato. Grazie anche a l’assistenza che è riuscita a seguirmi e risolvere qualche mio piccolo problema.
9 Eylül 2024
I just installed the free version of 10Web Booster. I must have overlooked the details but once you have the plugin installed, you need to sign up on their website. Then, the homepage of your (client’s) site is optimised. With the free plan you can add up to 6 pages to optimise.I would have appreciated to find that information right in the face before downloading and installing the plugin. But the most disappointing part of this plugin was to find that the specific page I wanted to optimise, only went from 65 to 68 on mobile. “Want a higher score? Maximize your score with Pro level.”Eh, no, I will deactivate and uninstall this plugin and look for another option.I’d like better a full trial version, see the *real* optimised results and then decide to buy and continue.
29 Ağustos 2024
10 Web Booster is an excellent website optimization plugin, highly recommended for use.
27 Ağustos 2024
I tried it, the score may increase which means the website is broken. On the developer’s homepage, there is no mention of a refund policy or not. I reached out immediately and was told no refunds. I’m not satisfied
382 incelemeyi oku

Katkıda Bulunanlar ve Geliştiriciler

“10Web Booster – İnternet sitesi hızı optimizasyonu, Cache (Önbellek) ve Sayfa Hızı optimizasyonu aracı” açık kaynaklı yazılımdır. Aşağıdaki kişiler bu eklentiye katkıda bulunmuşlardır.

Katkıda bulunanlar

“10Web Booster – İnternet sitesi hızı optimizasyonu, Cache (Önbellek) ve Sayfa Hızı optimizasyonu aracı” 1 dile çevrildi. Katkıda bulundukları için çevirmenlere teşekkürler.

“10Web Booster – İnternet sitesi hızı optimizasyonu, Cache (Önbellek) ve Sayfa Hızı optimizasyonu aracı” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.

Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?

Kodu görüntüleyin, SVN deposuna göz atın ya da RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone olun.

Değişiklik Kaydı


Fixed: Bug on page caching


Fixed: Bug on page caching


Added: Per-user page caching
Fixed: Bug when you have multiple body tags
Improved: Updated dependencies
Updated: Image optimizer


Fixed: Cache creation PHP warnings
Improved: Updated dependencies


Fixed: Bug with Elementor Slider lazyload
Fixed: Bug on Elementor container lazyload
Fixed: Issue with Delay JS execution


Fixed: Minor bugs


Improved: Updated dependencies
Fixed: Minor bugs


Improved: Finding page_id for author and archive pages
Improved: Performance when querying images from DB
Fixed: Perfomance service fixes for ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS bug
Fixed: PHP8 Warnings


Improved: Images Lazy Load for Woocommerce Products
Improved: Cache exclusion


Improved: PHP8.3 compatibility
Changed: Minimum required PHP version is now 7.4
Added: Hooks and filters for manipulating SB output


Improved: PHP8.2 compatibility
Fixed: Security issue


Fixed: Kinsta cache clearing
Fixed: IO package


Improved: Added compatibility checks
Improved: Critical CSS generation
Improved: Compatibility with other plugins
Fixed: Loading Google Ads
Fixed: Disabling background images lazyload from 10web Dashboard
Fixed: Texts in deactivation popup
Fixed: Iframe lazyload bug


Added: More WP actions


Improved: Compatibility with Divi theme


Fixed: Issues with connection


Fixed: Connection bugs


Updated: IO package


Fixed: Error when setting attributes for scripts
Fixed: Corrupted JSON in certain cases when “Delay All JS” option is on
Fixed: Bug with pages displaying in 10Web Dashboard
Fixed: Comment about page cache when Whitelabel is enabled
Updated: Minor Ui changes
Improved: Excluded non-html pages from optimization
Improved: Font loading improvements
Improved: Updated IO package


Fixed: Generating Critical CSS for hosted multisites


Fixed: URL scheme checking


Fixed: Fixed division by zero bug


Fixed: Do not write WebP delivery lines if the website is already serving WebP
Fixed: Elementor animation conflicts with Critical CSS
Fixed: Elementor’s lazyload is disabled when our plugin is enabled and working
Improved: Activation of the plugin is faster now because of refactored score check logic
Improved: Slideshows work with “Delay All JS” is enabled
Fixed: Bug when no fonts are being added to the homepage
Improved: Added exception handling for JS Minifier
Improved: Added new options to SB REST API
Fixed: Compatibility with Hubspot Calendar
Fixed: Deprecation warnings
Fixed: Adding display:swap to font loading
Improved: Added fm_cookie_ to the list of non-cached cookies


Updated: Settings REST API
Improved: folder exclusion of JS files
Fixed: UI bugs


Fixed: Excluding scripts from Delay ALL JS via regexp
Fixed: Firing events after Delay All JS


Updated: IO package


Fixed: Bug when admin bar content were not fully visible on small screens
Added: Reconnect button in WP admin when connection issues are detected (no token or domain_id).
Improved: Background lazyload
Fixed: Events fired after connecting delayed JS files
Fixed: Issues when “Delay All JS” was breaking schema.org JSON
Updated: SB Settings REST API


Fixed: Minor bug


Fixed: Bug with firing events


Refactored: Critical CSS generation
Changed: Multiselect option to disable events that are being triggered after connecting all scripts in “Delay All Js”
Fixed: Conflicts with web-stories plugin
Fixed: html validation errors
Added: REST API for editing all the SB settings to integrate it in 10Web Dashboard
Fixed: Handling complicated cases of Critical Background Images
Fixed: Excluding Owl Carousel JS scripts from “Delay All JS” option
Added: Popup to notify user that she can enable auto-update of Booster plugin
Fixed: Logic of Critical CSS generation during other plugins updates
Fixed: “Custom Events” option
Fixed: Page optimization if test mode is on
Changed: Elementor’s animations now works with enabled “Delay All JS” option
Lightened: Logic during onboarding flow, fixed many bugs
Added: Special option to fix Scroll issues created by Critical CSS
Added: Special selectbox with Plugin/Theme/JS scripts list for easily exclude them from “Delay All JS” option
Fixed: Couple of Score Check warnings in WP admin
Changed: SB is now disabled on AMP pages by default


Fixed: UI issues


Updated: IO package


Updated: IO package


Changed: Connection logic for new IO plugin
Added: “Clear cache” button in advanced settings of the plugins clears CF cache
Improved: Reliability of score check
Improved” Stability


Changed: Load only critical fonts by default
Added: Default options for Critical CSS
Improved: Compatibility with Divi theme
Added: An option to lazyload iframes on user interaction
Added: Browser caching rules to the .htaccess file
Improved: Critical CSS generation
Improved: Viewport images gathering
Fixed: Bugs related to “Delay All JS” option
Improved: Connection logic
Improved: Score check stability in WP Admin
Fixed: A couple of bugs on static file caching
Fixed: PHP warnings
Fixed: WP Cron functionality


Improved score check in the WP dashboard


Added: Block to easily share the referral link
Improved: Image Optimizer
Improved: Lazy Load both for background images and regular images
Updated: Parameters to ignore for page cache
Changed: Now SB’s scripts are being injected inside the tag, not before it
Added: When changing the background image in Elementor’s page edit, Critical CSS will be regenerated for that page
Fixed: Couple of bugs that resulted in fatal errors on the websites
Fixed: Loading of critical fonts
Added: New option for critical fonts that allows load only them or exclude them from Critical CSS
Fixed: Bug that prevented enabling/disabling some options from 10Web Dashboard


Changed: Fully refactored IO package and service
Improved: Image optimizing queue
Removed: AWS package as dependency in favor of presigned keys.
Improved: Performance of getting data from the IO service
Improved: Performance of getting optimized images statistics in 10Web Dashboard
Refactored: Autooptimize feature to work with WP Cron
Added: Option to load excluded JS files the simple way
Added:Data size limit for Cache Structure to avoid database overflow
Fixed: Injecting scripts into tag, instead of appending them to it
Changed: “Exclude Elementor Scripts” now excludes also 10Web Builder
Improved: Exclude critical fonts from Uncritical CSS, and avoid loading them twice
Fixed: Minor UI issues
Fixed: Fatal error when plugin is activated on website with no posts and pages
Fixed: Error in “Delay All JS”‘s Web Worker
Fixed: Warning about strpos() function


Changed: Now collecting excluded images for background works only if that option is checked in plugin settings
Fixed: The bug when sometimes sizes for critical css generation were not sent to the Performance service


Changed: New faster connection logic
Refactored: Constructors not to use superglobal variables
Changed: CDN page
Added: Auto-exclude images in viewport
Fixed: Disconnect popup when White Label is on
Improved: Fonts loading
Fixed: serving gzipped page caches
Improved: Cache compatibility with Litespeed servers
Fixed: Iincompatibility with Elementor’s Background lazyload function
Changed: Google Ads JS files now excluded by default from the “Delay All JS”
Fixed: PHP warning about not emtpy directory when clearing the cache
Added: Notice about missing DOMDocument extension
Fixed: PHP warning about count() function’s parameters
Fixed: breaking Unicode characters inside inline scripts while connecting them to the page
Removed: All dependencies of old minifier
Improved: Worker in “Delay All JS” option


Fixed: CSS Minifier bug
Changed: CSS Minifier library


Fixed: Security issue


Fixed: Errors when migrating not-optimized pages from old structure to new
Added: lazy loading for video poster
Added: fallback for default page sizes during Critical CSS generation


Fixes: Whitelabel bug in certain conditions
Fixed: Web worker’s bug with scripts loading scripts.
Fixed: Cache bugs for 10Web hosted websites


Fixed: Whitelable fatal error


Disabled: logging by default
Fixed: conflicts with other plugins using Composer autoloader


Refactored: Plugin uninstall logic
Added: Option to exclude Elementor Pro JS fles from “Delay All JS”
Added: “Perforamance Lab” to exclude list of plugins
Fixed: Multisite or low PHP version warnings in the plugin, refactored plugin’s main file
Fixed: Updating cache constants on plugin activate/deactivate
Fixed: Deleting a page from the list of not-optimizable pages in Dashboard
Changed: “Delay All JS” option now works with script tags added in Gutenberg’s text block
Added: Option to exclude “10web Photo Gallery” plugin from delay
Added: GET routes in plugin’s REST API as a workaround of Cloudflare’s POST to GET convertion fix
Moved: Hardcoded not-optimizable pages list to the option
Changed: Now adding tag for lazyloaded images is optional
Fixed: Congrats popup in advanced mode
Fixed: Minor UI fixes for RTL websites
Added: .min to all minified CSS and JS files
Added: “Clear Cache” button for clients with activated White Label
Changed: Score check functionality is moved to a separate package
Changed: Generated JS and CSS files are not cleared now during cache flush, but are being overwritten
Fixed: An issue when we always call the site state update
Added: Bluehost cache is now cleared with our cache clear
Added: An option to enable WP’s autoupdate for SB plugin
Changed: 10Web Transients logic is moved to a separate package
Fixed: Bug when we show Booster plan as paid when client purchased only AI Assistant
Removed: all .git folders from vendor/ directory


Added: Cache warmup after cleaning cache in the plugin
Fixed: Bug with many requests to the page to determine its page ID


Fixed: Security issue


Changed: API keys


Changed: Optimization flow


Changed: Onboarding flow
Fixed: Minor UI/UX


Fixed: Transients and permanent cache conflicts


Fixed: Minor bug


Added: NPS survey banner
Added: Option to load excluded JS files with worker
Added: Customer support page
Improved: Debug log
Fixed: Connection issues


Improved: Optimization flow


Improved: Cache structure


Added: New signup logic
Fixed: “Optimized Background Images” option
Fixed: Issue when non-cached page is served


Changed: Design for plugin interface
Improved: File cache
Changed: All aggregated CSS and JS files now have same naming
Added: Option to exclude popular sliders from “Delay All JS” option
Added: Smart lazyload for iframes, sliders and videos. Now if there is no such item on the page, the optimization or exclusion of it won’t work on that page.
Improved: Background lazy-loading for specific cases
Added: An option to set SB Page Cache lifetime.
Added: Now you can optimize author and 404 pages.
Improved: Third-party cache clearing
Changed: All similar Google Fonts are being merged after download and connect as one to get rid of duplicates
Fixed: Bug when lazyload broked audio tags
Fixed: A couple of bugs with Page Counter when home page is set to “Latest Posts”
Fixed: Bug when Optimized Background Images option conflicted with Background LazyLoad
Fixed: Bug when Critical CSS is not being connected to the page when “Use Critical Font” is unchecked
Fixed: Bug when home page was defined incorectly if was written with http or with www.
Fixed: Bug preventing onboarding flow to finish in NO_REST Critical CSS import
Refactored:“Delay All JS” optimization, now scripts are not moved from their places, this improves stability.


Fixed: Minor bug


Fixed: Minor bug


Fixed: Gutenberg block
Fixed: Elementor block


Fixed: Deactivation popup on the Plugins page.
Fixed: Bug when Critical CSS was being regenerated after the update.
Fixed: Bug when the cache was kept after removing, disabling, or deactivating the plugin.
Improved: Critical CSS generation.
Improved: Critical Fonts generation.
Fixed: Bug with the Optimized Background Images option.


Fixed: Security issue


Fixed: Security issue
Added: BF offer


Added: Endpoint to enable/disable CF integration.
Added: Hooks to clear CF cache.
Updated: IO package
Added: An option to load fonts after CSS load


Fixed: Compatibility issue with WordPress 6.1.


Changed: Many UI
Improved: Stability for Critical CSS generation
Fixed: Incompatibility issues with WPML’s Woocommerce Multilingual module
Improved: Performance improvements


Fixed: Critical CSS regeneration issues


Improved: REST API speed
Improved: Page cache.


Added: Wp admin dashboard UI changes.
Added: Optimization of archive and product pages.


Improved: Onboarding flow
Added: A dedicated page to manage Whitelable settings


Improved: REST API reliability and Critical CSS generation


Fixed: Critical CSS generation


Fixed: Minor bug


Changed: Onboarding flow
Fixed: Bug in page cache on hosted website


Added: Compatibility with WPML


Fixed: Bug in white label
Improved: Images Lazyload


Improved: Plugin white label
Improved: Images Lazyload (Now works with picture tags and srcsets)
Improved: Critical CSS stability


Added: Option to white label admin dashboard


Improved: Font preload
Added: New special mode for collecting images


Fixed: Page cache if it is not correctly set up.


Fixed: Warning messages about WebP and Page Caching
Fixed: Warning about advanced-cache.php
Reduced: Vendor size
Updated: Incompatible plugins list


Added: Test mode
Fixed: Bug in page cache


Improved: Critical CSS stability
Fixed: Bug in page cache
Fixed: Bug in clear cache


Disabled: Cleare cache trigger on ACF update
Removed: Deactivation popup for hosted websites
Changed: Notification texts


Added: Notice about incompatible plugins


Fixed: Bug in the page cache
Added: Trigger to clear page cache on page edit


Fixed: Conflicts with 3rd party plugins images lazy load
Improved: Optimization flow
Fixed: Bug in JS delay


Added: Image optimization for additional pages
Added: Deactivation pop-up


Improved: Optimization flow


Changed: Composer update for image optimizer


Added: Clear cache on disconnect website
Added: Compatibility for connecting from Photo Gallery plugin.


Changed: Get Critical CSS via Rest API instead of Ajax call


Fixed: Bug in homepage optimization flow


Fixed: Conflicts with third party plugins and hostings caches
Fixed: Bug in tag attributes


Fixed: Google ads display
Fixed: Uncritical CSS loading with worker


Changed: Welcome page design
Fixed: Bug in Critical CSS generation


Added: Rest route to edit optimization settings via REST API


  • Fixed: Minor bug


  • Fixed: Whitelabel bug
  • Fixed: bug with redirection after update


  • Initial version on wp.org